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Everything posted by Corp000085

  1. I'm not sure about open container laws either, but i believe you can have open containers if you stay on the guy's yard, and its cool with him. Although, if they're that strict, they'll just threaten the owner with a noise ordinance violation or something stupid.
  2. Well, from what i can remember in my psych classes, nightmares are REM or shallow sleep dreams. These are the ones where your brain organizes thoughs and stuff, so you dream wacky stuff about what normally happens to you throughout the day. Night terrors happen in delta sleep, or deep sleep (or is it beta sleep... can't really remember). These are the sudden, terrifying dreams that you have and are awoken suddenly: Like falling out of bed, or something like that. I can't really remember the treatment, but try the temperature thing, or maybe give the person a different pillow to adjust to the way the body sleeps. Leave a small light on, or turn one off to make it darker. I'm not really sure of a treatment, as its been a few years since i had that class, but experiment.
  3. It doesn't make any sense to me that a team represented by a homosexual Minuteman could have won 2 of the past 3 superbowls. Just go with it man!
  4. They should sign bryson and linton to have the committee back in action again.
  5. 19-0 baby. I can't be pessimistic. Realistically, we'll win our last game. Whether it be against the steelers, or some nfc chump, we'll win our last game.
  6. I just remember when the bills were 2-0 last year. I just hope MM busts out footage of the philly game to keep things in check.
  7. yeah, but the teams who use the shout song usually use the real shout song. nobody can take the bills shout song. Baltimore's happenin now? The seahawks make me wanna shout? doesn't really work
  8. Her family as well as mine are members of the country club of buffalo. I swam WITH her younger sister on the summer swim team and watched jodi swim (she's a few years older than me) when i wasn't in the pool.
  9. Hey yay yay yay! I've got an mp3 of that song, but the beginning is shattering glass, then berman says "he could go all the way". Then after the song there's more glass, berman saying "nobody circles the wagons like the buffalo bills", then marv yelling "where else would you rather be than right here, right now". I had the dj play that at my wedding. it was great.
  10. The bills have a top 3 defense, and a talent loaded offense. The reason they went 6-10 last year was inept offensive coaching decisions, which lead to the head coach losing the entire team. Unless this team has an injury, or the same coaching scenerio happens again, this team WILL make the playoffs. I honestly think this team will win the division. 11-5 bills, 9-7 jets, 8-8 pats, 3-13 phins. By the way, in the spirit of making every thread into a chappelle quote, "be good to your prostitute"
  11. Negrodamus, what will become of Starr Jones? Starr Jones will have two shows. After she's done doing the view, she'll take off her whig and do the weather.
  12. I really could make a joke about dropping the ball in packers camp, but that would be way to easy. By the way, my least favorite bill was either lonnie johnson or billy joe hobert.
  13. hey, yous gots me misunderstood, man! I meant to say $52 tickets. I need those heated club seats! Seriously though, travis is a good guy. he got the shaft, but hey, if bledsoe slaps his hand on the back of big mike's head when he's getting pushed back and breaks it against the jags, we need someone to come in. Plus apparently matthews showed something that travis didn't have. Work out and come back to camp next year with a chip on your shoulder. And joe, if you want gut reactions, come to me... i always speak and bite my tongue later!
  14. Hey travis, go punch a wall with your non throwing hand. Maybe you can have pat lafontaine and rob ray stand behind you to show support for the backup QB that you are. Shut your mouth, rehab for 6 weeks, use the rest of your IR season to pump iron and use legal muscle builders and come back next year to fight for your job. The next time you whine, you can swipe my visa when i spend $40 to watch the bills play, instead of the 19 year old buff state student/part time ticket sales rep.
  15. Where have you been? They did bring the song back. It was gone for one pre season game, in like 1992. Anyways, THROW YOUR HANDS UP AND SHOUT!
  16. I partially agree. Evans will get more balls in the reg. season, but he's got a major learning curve. Is MM using a smoke screen? Probably not. Evans will get a couple balls thrown to him on sunday, and more the next week. Has anyone seen evans or gildon in practice on a regular basis? I haven't, so i'm curious to see how many balls he got, or what patterns he was running (evans), or the defenses that gildon was in. I'm not really worried at all about evans. As for gildon, all i really know on this guy is he's pretty good for the bills in madden 2005. That's seriously all i know so far.
  17. Don't you mean Y, X, P School? Atheletes these days look for $ first, even if it means not knowing the alphabet, or how to actually read their paycheck. It's sad that the era of the smart athelete has passed, but if i were in the athelete's shoes, i'd do the exact same thing.
  18. I agree too. Cut TB and wait to resign him at a later point. Nobody will pick this guy up. Matthews is perfect example of a vet backup QB. He has playing and STARTING experience, knows how to adapt, being he played for like 25 teams, and can teach losman about how to have a level head, as well as QB smarts. Yeah, brown could have done that too, but at least Matthews has played in the nfl before.
  19. I guess you learned that TBA is not a concrete date for your next contract.
  20. He will, if moulds regains his status as a feared WR and if evans can make a catch here or there on the other side of the ball. Reed in the slot, with EM and LE playing decent, would be deadly.
  21. What is the vet minimum for 328 years of experience anyways?
  22. see, i posted about the Flutopians and the Johnsonians about 5 days ago. The Great Debate is back in full force!!! "JUST START THE HOT HAND, PEOPLE!"
  23. Well, if Reggie Jackson and Dan Marino were both called Mr. October, derek jeter was called mr. november, then i guess Choad Pennington is Mr. August!
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