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Everything posted by Corp000085

  1. well, this thread has made it 15 minutes, so i thought i'd chime in. nice
  2. he obviously has a glass jaw. he only took a 90mph shot to the face. in all reality, he's a tough player, but he's also a loudmouth crybaby. I can't stand him.
  3. buffalo bros. wings and pizza in cary. I have sunday ticket and can't justify going there after that cost while the bills are on.
  4. what a major p___y. he will try to be paid as an injured player if he has post concussion syndrome. Hopefully his ob/gyn will also give him perscription strength mydol too. http://sports.espn.go.com/nhl/news/story?id=1887029
  5. this is good for the nhl. it will shrink the balloon back down to where it belongs. that's got nothing to do with the structure of the nhl and more to do with the fact that the sabres suck. There were scalpers downtown on a nightly basis just 3 or 4 years ago. buffalo has a top 5 fanbase in the league. The only issue that keeps fans from coming to games is quality of play. They simply have been terrible since rigas started to get tailed by the government (see dom hasek/peca trade)
  6. i'm in the camp where i woudn't mind if the NHL took as long as it takes (the whole season, next, the year after?) to get things right. By having both sides smoke each other out, it should clear the tables and rid the nhl of the entire mess its in right now. Plus, it will give barry melrose plenty of off camera time to elongate his already perfect greasy mullet.
  7. I've got a good hulk hogan story I was in the atlanta airport my freshman year in college, on like an 8 hour delay due to weather. Anyways, i went to a wendy's and waited in line. there was a family of hick looking people in front of me. You know, blonde hair, bandana, fanny pack, kids being crazy... Well, the guy turned around and it ended up being the hulkster. We made some small talk about the masters and weather (the masters was that weekend). Talked about 5 minutes before i mentioned i was a big fan and stuff. After that, we just bitched and waited in line and stuff. When it was my turn, he actually paid for my food. It was only like $4 or somnething, but that was really cool. I guess the moral of the story is, don't be a starstruck fan... or just look like a poor college kid in a foreign city. Either way, he was really damn cool.
  8. and throw in the body. Well MACmahon, you know that hulkamania is dead now! Monsoon, its time to stop looking through those rose colored glasses!
  9. rico, bobby heenan had some sort of throat cancer thing too. He looked TERRIBLE during the WM XX stuff last march. I hope the brain lives much longer. Now shut up, you humanoid waste of space!
  10. cajun, you'd have to search, but i believe he might have died too. don't quote me on that because i'm not exactly sure.
  11. agreed... i always liked the martel though... he was a sweet wrestler.
  12. Speaking of remembering... do you remember when earthquake splashed damien (jake's snake)? That was brutal. or when rick the model martel sprayed jake with arrogance and then they had the blindfold match at WM7?
  13. yeah, didn't they have a nightstick on a pole match or something?? i remember nailz being like a huge mega heel and kicking BBM's ass. Wrestling died when WCW began to go under. For as taboo as pro wrestling is, it is a sad time now.
  14. a massive heart attack at age 42 means that the trend probably continues. Ravishing rick rude mr. perfect miss elizabeth all the von ehrichs pillman etc. they all die of drug related problems, whether it be directly or indirectly.
  15. that is what happened. We just got screwed... but who knows what happens with a change of events. maybe the d collapses again? we lost. time to use this as motivation to go 14-2
  16. One of Cobb County's finest went down last night. Yes, officer traylor aka The Big Bossman died last night. Here's a silent sidewalk slam for you bro. ... Linkage: http://www.wwe.com/news/headlines/1277702
  17. in this order herm edwards reid tice All three are good guys, straight shooters, command respect, know "smart" football, and seem like the guy next door. Reminds me of an old harvard dropout. I can't stand bellichek. this guy wins but he seems like a jerk.
  18. Where can i find information about stuff? Be more specific man! Do you want bills stats? Any spreadsheet to use as a reference? a free spreadsheet program? a hacked copy of an exel version? If you're more specific, i can probably help (i've got some free "stuff")
  19. Well, i cranked those out on pro, then set it to all madden for the playoffs and won, all in squeekers. Now, i'm on my next season, first at all madden, and haven't played a game. Catch me around 10am on saturday and i'll be in week 3 or something. It's not exactly the most real way to play the game, but i've used that formula forever. Either trade away the 2 established RB and QBs and go with the backups, or release and draft, build them up for one year, then crank up the difficulty.
  20. I think the consensus here is that he's done very well. Even on the field, he hasn't done THAT bad. This team was 6-2 before it collapsed in 2002. Not entirely TD's fault. Yeah, he could have hired a coach with gonads, but they were 6-2 after 8 games. Last year? they were 2-0 before the eagles (0-2) came to town. Not TD's fault. He'll get a lot of blame for what happened, but that was on the coaches. This year? Too early to tell. So far, it looks like all this team needs is a wake up call.
  21. I played out bledsoe for the first season, then traded him for the #1 pick overall in the draft, and henry for the #2 overall in the draft. Got 2 linemen, dumped big mike, and now i have loseman throwing for 4000 yards and mcgahee running for 2000.
  22. clap your hands! Here's another one. Five little monkeys sitting on a tree teasing mr. alligator "can't catch me, can't catch me" well, along came mr. alligator as quiet as can be and SNATCHED THAT MONKEY RIGHT OUT OF THAT TREE Four little monkeys sitting on a tree...
  23. no way was that a TD. it was close... very close, but no way do they overturn it, and no way do they call it a TD on the field. that was the correct call.
  24. draft another soldier. Like an f-16 pilot or an army ranger.
  25. Just remember, drink heavily. Listen to bluto. he's pre-med.
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