I've got a good hulk hogan story
I was in the atlanta airport my freshman year in college, on like an 8 hour delay due to weather. Anyways, i went to a wendy's and waited in line. there was a family of hick looking people in front of me. You know, blonde hair, bandana, fanny pack, kids being crazy... Well, the guy turned around and it ended up being the hulkster. We made some small talk about the masters and weather (the masters was that weekend). Talked about 5 minutes before i mentioned i was a big fan and stuff. After that, we just bitched and waited in line and stuff. When it was my turn, he actually paid for my food. It was only like $4 or somnething, but that was really cool. I guess the moral of the story is, don't be a starstruck fan... or just look like a poor college kid in a foreign city. Either way, he was really damn cool.