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Everything posted by Corp000085

  1. I'm not voting. It's not like my vote would make the difference. Plus, i'm dyslexic and too stupid to follow simple voting instructions. just kidding I honestly haven't made my mind up yet. I'll do that after the last debate.
  2. I was at wal mart today and did the cancel thing and selected credit. I used my visa check card too.
  3. hey guest, the bills did come up with something unique and timeless: THE SHOUT SONG! This thing needs to be kept till the end of time. Remember the last time that ralph tried to phase it out? the public demanded the song. If he tried that stunt again, people would want it back. You can put the Corp guarentee sticker on that too.
  4. I don't watch NASCAR. I watch F-1. But, i do have an opinion on this fine thing. It's just stupid of nascar to set an example by docking racing point for a non race incident. I guess the equivelant would be belicheck saying that mularkey coached a stevestojantty game, and his team gets docked 2 TD's, lose the game and are now in 2nd place in the afc east. If it happens on the track, dock him point. if it happens off the track, fine him. I don't really care who wins, as i don't follow the marboro/nextel cup, but i do hope that the champ wins by less than 25 points, and jr. is in 2nd place. That would make for an interesting OT thread.
  5. RIP rodney. If you're reading this board (hey, besides you, the bills get no respect either so its possible. Plus, through prayer, i've installed an 802.11G wireless network in heaven) know that you did get respect from me. Caddyshack is one of my top 5 movies of all time. I've tivo'd leno and letterman for tonight too. I bet you'll get your respect then. RIP ...
  6. One aspect of this team that is overlooked right now is the play of the special teams. This team has been ranked at the bottom of the league since about 1999. They have turned it around. Besides the fact that moorman pretty much is carving his own bronze bust for canton with every kick, he's a threat with trick plays, both running and passing. Punt coverage is excellent too. Place kicking gets no grade so far, as lindell has only attempted a few kicks, none of which have been game savers/breakers. I believe he's 3/4, with his only miss being from about 45 yards or something. Kickoffs haven't had the distance of say christie, who consistantly booted it to the endzone, but they're making it to about the 5 yard line, which is way better than last year. Kickoff coverage is excellent too. I've seen about 4 or 5 kicks that have been fielded between the EZ and the 10, and the coverage team has made the play around the 20. Can't ask for better coverage. As for punt returns and kickoff returns, i'm glad that MM has been using starters (clements) to do the job. Clements is halfway decent. He had that one return against the raiders that was called back. The guy who looked awesome against the pats, and who i'm hoping isn't a one game wonder is McGee. This guy is FAST. That TD return was a product of his speed as well as the blocking. The downside to all of this is, how can they not be good? They get the most practice of any team in the league. If the bills do turn it around on offense and can play halfway smart defense, special teams WILL be the backbreaker. This team still has a shot to be decent, and 1/3 of this team is playing the best ball in the league. I'm very hard pressed to be optimistic, but optimism isn't too far fetched if you break things down and look at ST like i have. Hey, i made a long post at 6:30am stone cold sober. Something is wrong.
  7. henry's not worth a 1st rounder. He's sucking this year, can't block, and next year is his contract year. He'll have to bust out 150 yard games to be worth a 1st rounder.
  8. Not exactly true. They just smartened up. If you swipe your card, it will ask for your pin number. If you hit cancel, then it brings up the options to select credit, cash, or debit. I guess they figure that a large percentage of people will just type their pin in and not think twice about it.
  9. The official downfall of the bills began with the forward lateral. Bruce dehaven, HOF assistant coach, takes the fall on a play that shouldn't have happened in the first place. Then they hire whoever that guy was to replace dehaven. Then the ST turns to crap and wade refuses to fire him, leading to his own firing. Folks, wade phillips was a damn great coach. True, he couldn't talk, and he looked a lot like the swizzle stick, but compare wade to the clowns we've had since him. This team has been in a perpetual downward spiral since that one stupid illegal play. If you look at a timeline though, the oilers lost to the bills in january 1993, they moved in 1995, and made it to the super bowl in january of 2000. That's a seven season span. For argument's sake, put the bills timeline next to that of the titans. Since the bills haven't moved, and they're in season 4, using the illegal lateral as a starting point, they really only have 3 more seasons of sucking before they screw some team and go to the super bowl. The downward spiral began with that terrible terrible espn classic play, but it will end in the year 2007, with JP, mcgahee, lee evans, and ancient HOFer moulds. I just hope i don't have kids by then, so i can drink heavily and scream when we win super bowl XLII.
  10. Not to start flame throwing, or bragging, but i'm 26 and i can hold my own. Take the corona stuff as a joke. Unless you're one of those angry drunks, then bring it on. Law of averages says that i can defend myself if you take a 12 beer swing at me.
  11. That's not a good excuse to drink corona. You could have brought a case of iron city beer up. Well, i don't know you. you could either be a 19 year old college kid who stepped up to a man's drink after realizing you'd get beat drinking a smirnoff ice. Or you could be a girl named dan. If you're from pittsburgh, drink iron city. If you're from buffalo, drink blue or canadian. No excuses.
  12. That's cool. I met him once at the erie county fair. Seemed like a nice guy. I didn't know about the drinking problem though.
  13. Didn't bradshaw and elway only sit for like half of their rookie years? Use them as examples. Hopefully JP can be learned by the time he's healthy enough to kick drew to the bench.
  14. they don't make them like they used to. by the way, welcome
  15. realistically, we could be looking at 0-10. Till this team proves that they can win, (and the horn goes so i know we won't get flagged for a mystery penalty) all bets are off.
  16. he's busy trying to officially get dan marino to give peyton his Mr. October title.
  17. hire marv to be the coach coach. He'll be the guy in the booth who actually coaches the coaches. Like that guy who "coaches" the DB's, or the guy who "coaches" london fletcher on how to break the rules, or the guy who "coaches" the offensive line.
  18. Like the last time he had a team with a moss covered statue as QB? Nah, i'll keep mularkey. Unless he personally blows a game, he gets a pass for the season. Hell, this team still could go 11-5 or 10-6. it happened in 1998.
  19. Improvement? I for one do not want a hall of fame punter. That's the only improvement... Moorman went from the best in the league to the best ever. It takes a hell of a lot of practice for a punter to have a +30 throwing, rushing and punting average.
  20. 6.5 ypc doesn't mean a lick of difference if the last play gets you -1ypc.
  21. 15. Mularkey will take the fall and these crappy players will play together next year 16 whoever thought london fletcher was a leader needs to stop thinking that now
  22. We're all going to be happy. "that" feeling that i was talking about yesterday is still with me, and stronger.
  23. thanks art. millbank, thanks for those addresses too. I'll head to that skybox grill sometime.
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