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Everything posted by Corp000085

  1. i never really drink light beer. When its american, if i want to get bent, i drink beast ice. If i want a normal american beer, its miller high life, the champagne of beers. I really see no need in going high end for american beers. They taste bad to me, so i drink the cheap stuff. Its the same end result. Of course, if they have blue or molson, its a coin toss between those.
  2. 10-7 either bills or fins. Either way, drew will be booed off the field.
  3. ken camnioti (sp) died too, but he was on drugs, so i'm less sympathetic. RIP superman. Speaking of dangerfield, that SNL skit was probably the classiest thing i've ever seen on there.
  4. sds, i think if the bills win the server won't Rosen. Too many people will be jumping around and dancing to log on.
  5. I've finally witnessed a worse safety than coy wire. pierson preleau, welcome to the list of worst bad bad bills. First mission: Drive bad bad bills vet Todd Collins to wegmans for 3 cases of zima.
  6. i know who's worse than them...
  7. we get a high draft pick in the second round
  8. its a membership for the jelly of the month club its the gift that keeps on giving, clark. that it is eddie, that it is.
  9. for who? jennings? bledsoe has been just fine. his teammates suck too.
  10. jennings=staypuff marshmellow man what did you do ray?
  11. and while i'm being negative: bills 3rd down defense=horrible 2nd or 3rd and short=a memory of the 1999 season pierson preleauxe (sp)=dumbest series ever mularkey=honeymoon over clements=arrogant no talent assclown drew=snakebitten game=not technically over
  12. i was also going to mention all the hippie ralph nader loving tail he is probably getting too. I love hippie girls!
  13. you know, part of me wants to be ricky williams... he's an assclown, but hey, if he wants to live in the woods, crap on trees, and smoke weed, more power to him. He's the reason why the dolphins suck so much. you can't get on him too much for that.
  14. is this like 3 years ago when we were all placing bets on which game and who would have the bills first int? I believe it was nate clements off of ray lucas in miami, around week 8 but i'm not totally sure. Pretty pathetic if our 10 sack wonderboy can't get a sack in september.
  15. done... although, 16 signatures on an online petition is hardly enough to sway the regional sports channel for the nation's #1 tv market. Plus, there are no games. I hate to say it, but empire was killed 4 years ago. its just taking a while to stop kicking. I'm going to have to bronze my fantv hat.
  16. frez, i told my wife NOT to wear her bills shirt. She's worn it for the past 3 games. hopefully your chilli, and my wife in normal girly clothes=win.
  17. maybe we're reading into this too much. His knee could have been bothering him last week. Unfortunately though, the only way to prove that you're over your injury is to rush for 150 against the jets. With henry gaining at least 125 today, it will be hard for willis to get in his 20 or so carries to get him to 150. Historically, the jets have been the team for the bills to rush the house against. Run willis run
  18. You're right. Your point has been overstated on this board and in the media, but yeah, drew is done. Whatever happened to him during his first season here, i do not know. He's put up great stats throughout his career, but just could never close the deal. When age caught up to him these past seasons, his play went down horribly. It can't be stated enough that drew IS THE QUARTERBACK OF THE PRESENT. He may be terrible, but he's still the franchise QB. He's going to be in on ever single play against the jets, and future games. JP is injured. When he's ready, and if drew doesn't make the 180 degree turn, he'll be the QB. So we're stuck with drew, his dumfounded look, and his 1987 facemask till Loseman is ready.
  19. its all in good fun sidbuff...
  20. Board Rules=SpikedLemonade
  21. oh yeah, since you brought up things i forgot to post, i'll just go ahead and mention willis for president. Watch the debate tonight. He's got some interesting comments on the war against gold bling (he prefers platinum).
  22. Come on man, you're a regular. You should know that anything not bledsoe bashing/rj vs. flutie debates/or ralph's going to die and the team is moving to LA is automatically filtered to be OT.
  23. Today at school (i'm an elementary teacher in NC), we had a healthful living field day. One of the things was giveaways by food vendors, including the NDC. They gave away a large sticker of a milk bottle with pictures of all different kinds of token socioeconomic/ethnic groups. Well, the token black high school jock, walking with the token high school black girl with the glasses and bookbag has on a road eric moulds jersey. What's really cool is that this is the largest picture in the collage. This is just a little sign that the bills WILL WIN ON SUNDAY.
  24. Seriously, i think he's about 2 weeks away from full contact practices. I think he started doing 7 on 7 drills this week. Oh yeah, he just touched his fridge to get out a gatorade. update: His fridge just turned to gold
  25. update: he had roast beef, corn, and oatmeal cookies last night. This morning, he had a great BM. it was a floater.
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