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Everything posted by Corp000085

  1. has he reached that all elusive all time sack record yet?
  2. I'm a framed "The Kramer"
  3. 84%, 21 mi, 281"
  4. I'm sure eric has no problem going with chocolate, if you know what i mean.
  5. And for the simplified version: BLEDSOE IS PLAYING GREAT
  6. In this week's nfl column... This would be the first time in like 2 years that his only bills reference wasn't a negative remark about bledsoe.
  7. guys, i was with my wife. that definitely would not have worked.
  8. is that fatty asian bobby boughner? Or is it curtis san brown (although, he's only dropped his gloves in the past to pick up his bible)? welcome back njsue
  9. Main St. in hope mills... It's much less ghetto than the skibo one. never been to the one on raeford rd, or the one past the DSS building. And god, don't you hate the slow fat ass ladies with their carts? Or the gangs of smelly WT? But yeah, this girl was HOT.
  10. When you see someone, they say hi to you, you say hi to them, and you don't know who they are, even though you know who they are? I was in wal mart today, and i saw a girl, she looked hot and familiar, so i walked past her and we both made eye contact and smiled and said hi, in a way that you've bumped into someone you knew and such. Damn it to hell if i knew her, but just couldn't place her. I will be willing to bet that she was my neighbor at RIT though. Now, this is hope mills, NC, so that's a stretch, but i'll wager $20 on it. God, i hate that feeling though!
  11. Ice, for once, you're right. Although, bryan cox was a pos, but for 2 games a year, you expected 6 digit fines and a few injuries. Personally, i can't wait to see if this guy shows up and how the steelers will react. God i miss cox and carwell garner. Those two had at it!
  12. Virgin Butthole. Welcome to the gates of hell, @$$hole!
  13. "There's no defense for the quality of mcGee's play at CB, but he's the league's most dangerous kick returner."
  14. i thought moulds was split wide... I didn't get to see the game on my tivo box, so i didn't have the opportunity to rewind. If mouilds wasn't in the game, then bledsoe should have called FU on two on two and thrown it to campbell, or hell, run a naked bootleg and spike the ball on everyone who talked bad about him.
  15. Drew should have pulled a jim kelly and called FU on 2 on 2. TD to moulds on an out. That would have shown leadership. This is just one example on how football has driven me mad over the years. I hate to say it, but back in the day, kelly would have ripped the mic out of his helmet and taken a dump on it at midfield.
  16. Get better man. It could have been a whole lot worse. I really hope he can come back. For a guy who came to camp wildly out of shape, was benched in pittsford, and couldn't block a marshmallow in game 1, he's made tremendous progress and improves virtually every single snap. Hopefully he's not out long.
  17. Dude, bledsoe has to do a whole lot more (like throw for 300 yards w/3tds) and put the team on his back to tell me that he's the future hall of famer we traded for. BUT, you are very very right about henry and mcgahee. WM is much more lateral than TH, plus he can catch, block, and decoy out of the backfield way better than TH. The whole argument for TH was that he is lower to the ground and way more powerful than WM, especially after the knee. Well, TH still is pretty powerful, but everyone was wrong about WM. He's got powerful legs and very powerful arms. TH's problem is that he ran into a rookie sensation. WM's versatile play makes DB way better, especially with the type of offense that's being played. I believe that DB would still suffer, and WM wouldn't be a playmaker in the pass happy killdrive system. In short, this offensive system is great for covering for a broken QB on the mend and for fully utilizing a pro bowll RB. (you can do the math yourself on projecting his stats across a 16 game schedule to prove that he's going to hawaii if he started 16 games)
  18. I have never had a problem with the local blackout rules.. Then again, i live in a big market, so getting locals isn't a problem.
  19. they clearly got that play right. On the scale of stupid plays to challenge that was Greggian.
  20. 20/20 again! what's done is done. Willis is in now and travis is not a 1400 yard back with this team anymore. Get over the first 4 games cause you cant change what's done.
  21. Isn't he supposed to take this cheap publicity and make a movie or something?? I really wish that canadian bacon, a truly funny movie, wasn't made by him. How's that for my first ppp post?
  22. i guess the flashlight needs new batteries.
  23. don't you remember on the superfans skit when bob swerski had a heart attack and the doctor pumped him full of bacon fat? "Ok Bill, picture the scenerio: Bears vs. God. Who would it be?" "Well Bob, i'm going to have to go with God, but it would be in overtime" "DA God"
  24. its a good idea, but yo u'll probably get yourself cited for defacing government property. My suggestion, go to a sporting goods store in the mall and get a dolphins vanity plate that resembles a florida plate for the front of your car. I know they have bills NYS looking vanity plates. If that doesn't work, get a bumper sticker that says you work for the INS.
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