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Everything posted by Corp000085

  1. I believe that if manning gets to a super bowl, and continues for 7-10 years at the pace he's going at now, he'll be considered the greatest ever. Not yet though. He could get injured next sunday. Longevity, clutch wins, and statistics all play into the "best ever" category. So far, he's got statistics... What's scary though is that his career is still young. I guess to answer hte poll questions, "stay tuned"
  2. gee, thanks for making me ill today
  3. APEX!!!
  4. Rudy, i missed it because i was being thankful that i didn't go crazy and stab someone. I was getting the turkey in the bag and in the oven. You know how that goes!
  5. http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/story...=fleming/041124 I for one, loved that show.
  6. Oh no. She was making me a pot. Funny, but i have a husband named Dean Wormer.
  7. I'll start things a little slow here, and hopefully they'll pick up as the night progresses. "Negrodamus, why do white people like Wayne Brady so much? White people like Wayne Brady because he makes Bryant Gumbell look like Malcom X. Negrodamus, what will Starr Jones do after the view? What will starr jones do? After the View, starr jones will take off her whig and do the weather. Brad pitt in the mexican. Wow, maybe i should submit my movie idea. The last Nigg*r on earth, starring Tom Hanks."
  8. you have to think like an 18 year old to spend $10 on vodka, $15 on filters and wait 3 hours to get the quality of a $25 bottle of vodka.
  9. doesn't troy vincent play for the eagles?? What happened to him anyways?
  10. Hey, i'm glad you decided to post. Forgive me, but i forgot your first name, so i shall call you Mrs. Flutie. I also forgive your view of history, as you had your hands full with your autistic son. I know from experience, being a pre k teacher for autistic and mentally retarded children. The real view of history was that your husband really wasn't that great. It was the #1 defense in the league that kept the bills in games for the ENTIRE offense to grind the team into field goal range most of the time for christie. I applaud your stand, but its simply wrong. By the way, does doug actually stand 5'10", or is it more like 5'7"? If you PM me with your address, i'll be more than happy to send you my jr. drum set!
  11. 20/20 my frineds... collins looked like the better choice in 1996. Looking back, who wouldn't want kelly over those **** choices of collins, hobert, van pelt, rj, flutie, or bledsoe?? What's done is done. I'm sure the seahawks want largent, the cowboys want aikman, and the dolphins want marino. I for one see a bright future with losman, so there's really no need to look back at our craptastic QB history, save one.
  12. that vodka trick works well. I tried it with a Pur water filter a few years ago. We even had the PVC pipe idea for serial filtration, however we had no means of getting the thing vertical, and we didn't have a retaining bin at the top. Our vodka of choice was stalingrad. We were succesfully able to pass it off as absolut to stupid college chicks.
  13. on the jokes thing, this is an open thread for discussion. What positive merrits can you bring from a story about a mom dismembering her kid?? NONE. Now, if people want to joke, then so be it. Jokes posted on a bills message board are independent of what that poster would do or feel his or her own baby was dismembered. I'm sorry if my quad joke about the beach offended anyone, but i'm not sorry to have posted it. I guess the moral of the story is to a) not write texas CPS on your resume for past employment B) don't dismember your kid and c) have thick skin.
  14. Well, you're in luck. Research suggests that women who are in close quarters (same house, dorm, office) are pretty much on the same menestral (sp??) cycle. It's got to do with the pheromones that they release. I'm one of 3 male teachers in an elementary school, with appx 50 women. I am just myself around most of them. I never start any personal conversation though. If they start them or are comfortable talking, then i'll interject. Nothing too personal. And to answer subsequent questions: Yes most are married, yes some are really hot, yes they flirt with me bad, yes i'd love to get them horizontal, no i haven't yet.
  15. !@#$? Which reminds me of a joke: a beach lifeguard was making his rounds up the beach when he came across a paralyzed girl in a wheelchair crying. He walked up to her and asked what the matter what. She said "i'm so depressed. i'm 20 years old and i'm never been hugged by a guy before." The lifeguard looks around for a minute, and thinks what the heck... he bent over and hugged her. She smiled and was so happy that he'd made her day. The next day, he was making his rounds and came across this same girl. she was crying again. The lifeguard was like what the heck. So he went over and asked what the matter was. She said "i'm 20 years old and i've never been kissed." So, the guy said, well i guess i can help you out. He looked around to make sure that nobody was looking, bent over, and kissed her. She looked like the happiest girl in the world. The next day, it was the same situation. Girl crying really hard this time. So the lifeguard walks over and was slightly annoyed and asked what the problemm was. She said "i'm 20 years old and i'm a virgin. I'm never going to have sex with a man." Now the lifeguard was really annoyed. He looked around to make sure that nobody was looking, picked her up, threw her in the water, and said "you want to have sex? well there, now you're !@#$!"
  16. In the words of jennings: "would you like to smoke some pot?"
  17. Which brings us to the beginning argument. If the bills win till the steelers game and it actually has playoff implications, can you imagine the national story if the game had to be moved because the government can't fund police to watch over the crowd?
  18. Get this man a tweed jacket, turtleneck, and a pipe. OK, just get him the tweed jacket and the turtleneck, cause he's back in school! http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=1929584
  19. My dad has the primetime after the snow game set to keep untill i delete on the tivo box. ESPN actually made a graphic of wagons circling around. it was pretty cool.
  20. http://www.bills.com
  21. his spot will be filled by jerry rice. Your comment was funny because his backup is definitely more sure handed. Jerry's way past his prime though and he's got dilfer throwing to him, so hopefully he'll be a non factor.
  22. Other examples of basasses: Jim McMahon Cole Ford* *While he didn't wear a visor, he did go on a deranged shooting spree against the house of Sigfried and Roy** **Has anyone noted that these guys live together yet aren't totally open about things? Ponder that point.
  23. any word on his TSA anal probe last night at the airport?
  24. bart, what if morton anderson had a visor? is he badass?
  25. me either... but i do somehow see KC showing up and making it interesting.
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