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Everything posted by Corp000085

  1. at least its not like hockey playoff injuries. "upper body injury"=broken ankle.
  2. Personally, i hope that this thing drags out long enough for BB to break the hr record, then have it come crashing down. This is going to be a long long issue and court battle. We're just getting to the beginning of the real juicy stuff. I guess for JG, he wins out in the long run because he came clean, and apparently he won't use them again. Maybe this will not hurt him, health wise, in the future as it did for others (lyle alzado sp?? for instance). I don't want to say that BB is guilty of taking steroids at this moment, but that's sorta like saying OJ didn't kill nicole or ron. All fingers point in the same direction now. I do want BB to break the record, just so there's more at stake when his time comes on the stand.
  3. i use nero, but i haven't used it to burn movies into dvds. Just mp3s into cds.. The concept is the same though. Nero converts the video file to a raw dvd file and copies it. I've got the nero OEM version that came with my burner. I'll be upgrading to the full suite because i like the program very much. Just make sure he's got the settings for the burning software set just right. If not, it will come out garbled.
  4. dolphins fans... bad syntax, bad grammar... Maybe he should have taken some saturday classes.
  5. i'll stand in for ice and say that we drafted losman with next year's #1 pick. Therefore, start him next year. I'm inclined to offer bledsoe a chance to restructure his contract and come back willing to be a backup if losman shows something in training camp. Even if the bills went 16-0, no way does bledsoe start next season under the current deal. Salary cap and the #1 pick dictate the losman is the guy.
  6. http://www.cnn.com/2004/TRAVEL/12/01/expen...reut/index.html
  7. i thought it was a buttocks/right thumb combo??
  8. mike, i'm going to that game too. it will be my first bills game in 2 years, so i'm pretty pumped.
  9. would someone please pm me with the "T-Bone" filter? i don't recall that initial discussion, nor to i swear enough to randomly figure it out.
  10. martin gramatica just kidding. i'd take brady.
  11. drifters white christmas original I'll be h ome for christmas happy christmas--lennon santa claus is coming to town--bruce
  12. Who cares... baker is playing ok, and you can't justify pulling mcgee. If he is way better than baker, then play him. if not, let him heal up for next year.
  13. god bless...
  14. If the bills aren't eliminated from the playoffs till after the steelers game, then you WILL see bledsoe next year as the starter if he restructures his contract and wins out an open competition in camp. If the bills lose before the end of the season and are eliminated from the playoffs, then jp will play, and if he plays well, he'll be the starter. In summary, all the anti drew comments should be on hold, since he's not playing horribly. He did throw 3 ints last week, but he won. He can carry that over and hopefully gain some confidence that he can win something next year. that's motivation for him to restructure to be cap friendly.
  15. i have norton AVpro 2005. Although, my school uses AVG 7 and that's a great program. grisoft.com as fezmid mentions.
  16. i say the jury's still out on TD, at best. i'll judge him in 10 years.
  17. cincy, it came to me as i was hitting the button... it always seems to go like that!
  18. I just hope he's not willis' mentor for ball handling. edit: that was the byner who fumbled away the browns game back in the 80's, wasn't it?
  19. here's my $0.02. For a team to have an interim head coach in the first place, means that they team is beyond sucking. That goes well for the bills.
  20. he uses trickery and opens the playbook up. something that inerim coaches probably have nightmares about.
  21. man, Mike tom foolery Mularkey must be licking his chops today! on a side note, i'm sad to see the butch davis 32 year plan come to a screeching halt.
  22. good lord that navy chick is hot
  23. read the great rosebowl hoax. now that was genius!
  24. to go 10-6 and make the playoffs would be a miracle. To go 10-6 and not make the playoffs would be fuel for next year. This team won't screw up against the raiders or jax or NE the way that it did this year if those were the reasons why they didn't make the playoffs.
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