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Everything posted by Corp000085

  1. God bless, thank you, and rest in peace. Edit: fixed date
  2. The last time I saw the entire game was 1/27/1991. With that said, the game was lost well before the final drive. Bad tackling and a failure to strip Jeff hostedler in the end zone lost that game. Failure to get off the field on 3rd down ruined us.
  3. One of our friends had that done. They called the vet and the dog actually passed before the vet arrived at the house. I suppose when it's time, it's time!
  4. *advertisement alert* www.ciweb.org
  5. Pretty good for 6am!!
  6. http://espn.go.com/30for30/film?page=thegreatimposter
  7. She should have been disciplined accordingly... Before that was published. With that said, you can't publish something and then come back and discipline. It just doesn't work that way! Without pulling too much school law into this thread, there is plenty of history that protects the school from censoring school sponsored publications such as newspapers or yearbooks. That little joke should have been caught during editing, not after the fact. Disciplined, yes. Published, no. Funny and creative, yes. I'll bet this girl gets off scot free. The school will end up with H2S on their faces.
  8. Your source does not value HIPAA. Nevertheless, prayers sent.
  9. She moved on in her career as personal assistant in charge of faximile transmissions for Darcy Regier.
  10. If manziel does ANYTHING, Cleveland will forever be known as the team that passed on him twice.
  11. They didn't in 06 with a depleted defense. If they didn't win then, they were never going to win. Trust me, I was there. BTW, Campbell lost us that game with that delay of game penalty
  12. Did you at least pull over while you contemplated using your phone camera?
  13. I purposely keep my phone in my pocket. Therefore, I can't get it out to txt or read. If you need me, you can call and I'll answer with the car hands free system.
  14. RIP. Doesn't seem like 10 years. Second Fair point. Even if his thrill seeking trumped his flag bearing, he still died in combat. He did test himself and he died, but his spirit lives forever and he won.
  15. Cancer sucks. My mother is a survivor, as are a few friends. To date, Jim is a survivor. All we can do is pray and hope. If God says this is Jim's time, then its his time. We can't really change anything, but we can pray and we can hope. In my opinion, there's no need for this doom-and-gloom thread. It is what it is.
  16. I vote for a quick hello and welcome to the company if you see him in passing. I wouldn't seek him out or put something in writing; you'll appear as if you're sucking up.
  17. Eerie... This was from Monday night. RIP
  18. Yes. This was the heart of yinz country. Of course I did!
  19. Based on the "office" photo, Ralph used the same phone as I do in my office!
  20. I had the opportunity to wait in a port a potty line with butler during marv levys hall of fame day. We talked for the few minutes, but then we both entered our respectvr toilets and when I came out, he was waiting to finish the conversation. It was before the event, so we eventually ended up bsing for a good 20 minutes about football and the bills. He was a good dude. That was also the day that manny Fernandez allowed me to wear his perfect season Super Bowl ring. I loathe the dolphins but that was friggin cool.
  21. He was great in flight. I'm In with that selection.
  22. This was the "just give it to them" game. I do recall Wade pulled the team off the field for the extra point. New England lined up and kicked (or ran it in, can't remember...) unopposed.
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