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Everything posted by Corp000085

  1. The only two guys to show up today were TKO and Willis. The other 51 guys, from drew to angelo crowell sucked. Maybe TKO and Willis can show the rest of the team what it feels like to play with heart.
  2. This guy needs to apply to scott norwood's insurance agency as a clerk or something. If he's back next year, tom donahoe officially sucks.
  3. He gave props to the team and held up a billieve tee shirt. I hope that isn't the jinx...
  4. i've been to a few games by myself. It's not really a bad experience. Get a few beers in you, open yourself up, and make new friends. That's what i've always done when i go alone.
  5. its a smart idea based on individual wealth, both current or future, i.e. a trust fund. If it's the case of a trust in a will, the will of the parents can be specified in a way that would not allow the spouse access if there's a divorce. It can be tricky, but unless you're worth millions, and she's not, or visa versa, don't worry about it.
  6. I'll be thanking the bills the monday after their last game. That way, it will either be a day or two after they lose, or a day or two before the parade.
  7. The bills will win it on the road at foxboro. The only way they can win the super bowl is to completely circle the wagons.
  8. This is going to be a crazy weekend... i wouldn't be suprised to see the bills game to go OT or something... Rian Lindell here we come
  9. rayzor is the man... I'd like to see ray fight that gootenhow NHLPA guy
  10. cause they don't like the bills?
  11. all down the line for the jets? i simply can't see them pulling that game out!
  12. maybe he'll sign an injury settlement after he wins.
  13. They're allowed to talk the talk now, provided they continue to walk the walk.
  14. winning out would be a success for me. Playoffs would be the cherry on top, since after winning out, its out of the bills hands. 10-6 is a success. However, going back to my newly formed theory regarding the super bowl this year: "If the red sox can overcome a 0-3 deficit to the yankees..."
  15. man, the peerless legacy continues... Imagine tying that chump to willis 20 years from now.
  16. i've been waiting since 1978 when i was born...
  17. dude, the broncos still have jake plummer in crunch time... there's a big chance for the colts to win.
  18. I'd have to disagree... I'll give you that the phone has zero features, and exactly one ringtone of death, but it has been increadibly durable. It has been dropped on the ground, in water, bent, twisted, and used to death. I'm very much "have to have the newest things" kind of guy with technology, but that startac was one thing i just could never justify replacing till it actually broke. I think i'm donating it to the smithsonian. Raleigh, i'd love to look into cingular, but it has poor coverage at my house and around town. I'm pretty much stuck with verizon or sprint at the moment.
  19. After numerous searches for a phone, i believe i'm getting the samsung i-600, which has windows mobile 2003 for the pda portion. I decided that i don't need the treo 650 or the samsung i700 pocketpc, as they're more of a PDA than a phone. The samsung i600 is a phone with the windows pda features. I'd love a treo 650, but it doesn't flip (i'd scratch the screen in 30 seconds), and i've had bad luck with palm software in the past. Does anyone have a samsung i600, or have any comments or suggestions? Sorry in advance for not putting this in the consumer forum, but i'm lazy tonight, plus i'll get more reads over here anyways. My old phone (motorola startac) died after 10 years on christmas day. I think that Jesus himself wants me to have a new phone. I just hope i can get it before 1pm on sunday. I don't currently have a way to talk to my friends about the game. http://product.samsung.com/cgi-bin/nabc/pr...rod_id=SCH-I600
  20. I played the berman remix version of shout at my wedding... It was a cleveland vs. buffalo with that drew carey cleveland rocks crap before it... Needless to say, it was the best song of the night.
  21. 10-6 or bust. It's impossible for me to imagine a scenerio where i'd be happy for the bills to lose. Playoffs, indy, and stl. aside, i want the bills to roll on sunday like they've been rolling for the past 2 months.
  22. I think he might still be contractually obligated to the redskins till after this season. That would clear the way for his one day contract with the bills. I think he knows what he did here. He's just waiting.
  23. I'm driving back to NC on thursday, then my 3 day vigil of waiting begins. On sunday, i finally get to put the $200/season to good use with channels 700-720. Thank god for NFL Sunday Ticket!
  24. i say leave the posts. Imagine the bills ripping off 3 straight wins, and the jets and broncos losing this sunday. hmmm, that leaves a possibility of a HOME AFC CHAMPIONSHIP GAME! We'll need those lucky goalposts.
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