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Everything posted by Corp000085

  1. I spoke to jim kelly's agent today and he said that jim kelly is being hired as an assistant head coach with the duties of quarterback consultant.
  2. man that sucks... RIP reggie... I'll always remember you for being overworked during miami/buffalo games. Well, the watch too...
  3. warner is not a proven winner.... he was a proven winner. Now he's bitter, washed up, and thoroughly broken as a QB.
  4. FFS, are you saying that you've used substances that make you thought provoking and long winded? NOOOOOOOOOOOO! SAY IT AIN'T SO, JOSE!
  5. well, 42 pages to go...
  6. unless you have a spare computer that you can use to completely trash with spyware and virii.
  7. hunter s. thompson http://www.cnn.com/2005/SHOWBIZ/books/02/2...obit/index.html Sandra Dee http://www.cnn.com/2005/SHOWBIZ/Movies/02/...obit/index.html john raitt http://www.cnn.com/2005/SHOWBIZ/Music/02/2...t.ap/index.html Cultural, political, sports, governmental figures all seem to die in 3s, no matter what... It's just one of those phenomenon that you can't explain.
  8. I use winmx. It's free, free of spyware and has a lot of legit legal (pictures, videos) and illegal (mp3s) files. Just make sure to unshare your directory. I'm not saying i download illegal files (don't want another 34 page philosophical debate thread), but i do know they're there if you want them. or you could go to best buy and purchase your material... Hey, its the only way you'll hold your junk in an argument about free capitolism. (and the countdown till this gets moved to PPP begins.)
  9. That really irritates me about drew. I'm glad that this era is over in bills history though. Great read by king too... 1 good article in 5 years i guess is ok!
  10. sorta admits... The irony of the whole story is the guy's name is doug wead... http://www.cnn.com/2005/ALLPOLITICS/02/20/...s.ap/index.html
  11. JP's favorite sub!
  12. That's a reoccuring theme with the tastefully named gregg williams' era.
  13. The only way to make the sport interesting would be to have the guys drive around the track clockwise without pre-race practice. Praise the lord for the alternative... 2 more weeks till the australian GP. I can't wait... By the way, i've been to the 2002 montreal GP and the 2004 American GP (at indy...) Quite possibly 2 of the best sporting weekends of my life. what an experience. (substitute NASCAR white trash chicks for eurotrash model chicks... get the idea?) http://www.formula1.com/ http://www.f1babes.com
  14. That's a big big big gamble considering he was a headcase till about october. Any word on if big mike is in buffalo training with JP? I'd be for that move, as he was drafted to be the LT, paid to be the LT and now would save the team money by being the LT. I see two visions of big mike next year.. one is pancaking DEs, the other is him panting on the sideline. It's a big big gamble, with huge reward/loss consequences.
  15. NASCAR Not Atheletes, Simply Cars And Rednecks
  16. hey, i proudly drink milwakee's best ice when i want to get ripped... I could care less how bad that particular beer tastes. Can't taste it after 3 anyways... My point is, these cheap beers, coors included, aren't designed to be a "sit down and enjoy your beer" type of beer. They're a party beer (can't you tell by the twins?). In my case, for $4.50/12 pack, you can't go wrong. Same goes with coors. Think about that ad campaign... It's not designed for the 26-40 year old sophisticated beer drinker. It's designed for two 21 year old college student roommates who have just invited some girls from class over to their dorm room.
  17. can anyone say moot point? ouch... just saw the headlines. Watch the notebook for 2 hours with wife and this happens... I guess it was cause i had aldi's mac and cheese instead of kraft.
  18. ok, now that empire is dead and MSG has the rights to the sabres games, what happens if the sabres are playing at the same exact time as the rangers? Who will be seen? I guess the sabres might be seen locally... What about those of us out of market (both buffalo, and ny/nj) who have msg on directv? Any word on that?
  19. I heard that WGR just reported that the bills will cut Rob Johnson and and promote Doug Flutie to the starting QB position at a monday february 20 at 1pm press conference at the fieldhouse.
  20. Apparently they use a similar formula as we do: "Insert person here" = RJ
  21. i don't get how the owners can agree to a $45 million cap if 4/5 of them can't afford a $45 million cap... I guess we stay tuned to the revenue sharing portion of the agreement.
  22. chris taylor is a 4th line center on the sabres... Plus, he wore #16, and that's blasphemy to the thought of ryan denney wearing #78 next year.
  23. You know, usually i read all the replies before making my own, but i can't resist this time... send me an instant message the next time hockey is covered on channel 212... till then, i won't hold my breath.
  24. this post is like a scary dream... Why am i sweating, did that really happen, and why are my boxers wet?
  25. steve, how'd you get tickets? i thought you were in florida??
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