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Everything posted by Corp000085

  1. my parents are meeting my wife and i in dc, where my sister lives. Anyways, i've been there a million times and done all the tourist crap. My wife hasn't though, so i should expect a butt load of monuments and government buildings. Has anyone been to the spy museum or the holocaust museum? I haven't been to either, and both intrigue me. Also, the thought of driving 15 minutes to get some molson canadian, labatt blue, perry's ice cream, and a wegmans turkey sub also gets me pretty fired up.
  2. that playsheet looks worse than the magna carta at this point... the answer is no.
  3. That article looks like it was written by someone who formats word documents exclusively with the space bar.
  4. I got that game for christmas one year. I even had my dad laminate the playsheet at his office. That game was IMPOSSIBLE compared to tecmo bowl or joe montana's football. I did love that game though.
  5. Note to self: if i'm involved in a road rage incident, and i see that the other guy is Mark Nichols, DRIVE FAST! Seriously, what is the combined IQ of that family? You obviously don't go around shooting judges, cops, and federal agents... You also don't go on larry king and say that under other circumstances, you'd be the one to shoot judges, cops, and federal agents. http://www.cnn.com/2005/LAW/03/15/nichols.brother/index.html
  6. oh come on... I hope rae carruth lives a long, healthy life. Do you know how many prisoners could put the "i made an nfler my b*tch" notch on their belt??
  7. I don't know the difference between tonic, soda, and seltzer, but i do know all three are a form of carbonated water, salt and/or sugar. Just get a tangueray and tonic. You can walk around and pretend you're snoop too, as an added bonus.
  8. I really like a simple gin and tonic with a lime for a drink that has normal amounts of alcohol (1 shot of 80 proof stuff/drink), plus, the farther up you get from mr. boston, the more it tastes like a sprite or 7 up. If you're not too keen on alcohol taste, simply squeeze more of the lime into the drink. After a couple of those, you can graduate to shooters of wild turkey... a man's drink.
  9. njsue?? did she come out of denial over the bledsoe thing and appear on a dallas board somewhere?
  10. 3 thoughts. 1) how'd he stay up 2) why didn't the room clear out 3) poor poor david silver's friend.
  11. who's album is that? it's quite a homoerotic display. By the way, after looking at those pictures, i'm suprised david boston doesn't have testicular cancer already.
  12. adding a soluble solid, such as table salt, will dissolve in water and will increase the boiling poing of water (one reason for adding salt to pasta water) or to lower the freezing point of water (road salt on black ice makes water). The more salt you put in will have more of an effect, as sds shows in his formula. AD's 22 degrees is a funtion of the ambient air temperature, the cooler's effectiveness, and the amount of salt added to the water. Now, if the air temp is below 22, then the water will get below 22, depending on how much salt is added. As for me, i throw the beer in the freezer for a good half an hour. The freezer goes around 0 degrees farenheit, so i'll have a couple slow drinks then remove the rest for the fridge and it's ice cold.
  13. What's the cost of the bills franchise, plus the cost to buyout the lease, plus the remainder of the value of the stadium? Next, who's willing to pitch in the capital to buy everything as a long term money making venture? I've got $5.00 in my hand now to donate to golisano in exchange for a future ticket credit.
  14. pi should have just been equal to 0.2, celebrated on april 20th... That would consolidate on weird, trippy arguments.
  15. this day makes me want to find the area under the curve between finite point a and finite point b! YAY!!
  16. prayers and thoughts
  17. 22/7 isn't exactly pi. It's a very close estimated ratio of pi. who's the dork now?
  18. I'd hold her hostage... she's pretty hot if you ask me
  19. Wouldn't it cost ESPN too much to adjust their camera height?
  20. I think the QB position will take a step back, simply because bledsoe was a veteran and JP isn't. However, JP possibly will take 2 steps forward by the end of the year, showing us his greater upside than we saw with bledsoe. The team as a whole will not take a step back at all. I'm not banking on jp's quick development. I'm banking on the o line's progression last year, willis, special teams, and the defense, plus moulds and evans being another year away from their injuries, and the breakout of reed. This team as a whole will not lose a step. edit: barring injury of course.
  21. I think he'll survive draft day, unless a team is desperate and stupidly gives up a #2 or possibly a #1. He'll get traded as albany states, for a conditional 2006 pick. I could see the 49ers or dolphins doing something stupid like trading him for their #2 pick though. Draft day is always interesting with TD on the button.
  22. for one, if the raiders move back to LA before 2009, doesn't the move negate all salary cap penalties?
  23. so, sooner or later, these cap hits will affect the raiders.
  24. Oh this is still just the tip of the iceberg. Since i'm pretty impartial when it comes to MLB, i'm very interested in how this whole thing will play out, who's careers, legacies, and records are ruined, and if there's a ratings spike for cspan next week.
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