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Everything posted by Corp000085

  1. Yea, that's what i meant really. When i see the NHL on the ice in 5 years, i don't see anything like what last was seen. I honestly see this lockout going another year, possibly with scabs playing next year. But, when it's all done and settled, i see a hard salary cap that will make all teams financially competitive. On a side note, is anyone looking forward to the great hypocricy when the NHLPA players cry out when scabs are in the NHL, but they're still in the eurpoean pro leagues taking someone else's spot? This next "season" will be so much more exciting off ice, simply over the fight over replacement players. [/tangent]
  2. This is why the sabres will kick @$$ when they eventually get back on the ice. edit: this also gives good justification to not resigning zhitnik the day he became a FA last year. Now they have money to lock up the young guys, plus Z is a year older. (i'd still love to see him come back for a lower salary though!)
  3. This case isn't half over yet. I'm sure the procecution will pull all these ends together, or at least in theory they should. LA learned its first and second mistake with rodney king and oj. I'd hope they're not looking to make a third with this one.
  4. I hope you're just asking to see what people will say... If you actually were thinking seriously about this, get real. I'll vote yes to a dome on the ralph when lambeau gets a dome.
  5. You do realize that the bills play the falcons at home next year. I'm eagerly waiting for the schedule to be released next week so i know when to wear my R. Mexico 7 jersey. I will be looking forward to seeing some nasty signage at the ralph for that game.
  6. He mentioned "it was almost there" on the nfl network interview blitz last month after bledsoe was cut. I'm just guessing, but i'd say that there won't be any issue at all come training camp. Hopefully his brain doesn't go back to "pre injury". Freak injury or not, he should have slid.
  7. block me, bob... i could care less. Anyways, i wonder how jerry is doing? wasn't he arrested last year for a little nose candy incident?
  8. So was jerry craft... what's your point? just kidding... I thought she was a hottie on that survivor. I remember my wife was very excited that her husband was a QB for the bills. She took it hard when he was cut 3 days later though.
  9. Yeah yeah, you win cause you got me to read your LAMP... Now, what was the letter/response?
  10. I'll tell you what, i think i've seen a derivative of that piece like 300 times before either on the travel channel, discovery, or food network. Either way, it shows buffalo in a fine light with pilot field being full of people, the anchor bar, and even a 1/2 second clip of ANTOWAIN SMITH (!?!?!?) plowing over a raider and a 1/2 second clip of a buffalo sabre scoring (sorry, couldn't get the name). It was most definitely a rehash, but it was still cool to see some buffalo landmarks in a good light.
  11. http://www.cnn.com at the time of my post, it was just a breaking news banner. I'm sure there'll be a story to follow.
  12. well, even if this does indeed go into effect, no place will be allowed to ask to see your passport if you have a drivers license. If they do, they'll lose a lot of business and money.
  13. just random banter type of stuff... I don't recall any swear words or anything too remarkable... However, i do recall one game in the late 80's, the juice was covering the bills and he made some crude joke about his wife. I wish i had that on tape!
  14. Living room wi th family. We had a satelite dish and intercepted the feed on KU band. It was great, cause you coul dhear the announcers during the commercial breaks. That tape is my prized possesion, although its still in a box somewhere in ny. Also, my mom was making lentil soup and after reed scored the go ahead, she ran in carrying the pot that she was stirring, and it flew out of her hands. boiling lentil soup everywhere. Nobody was burned, but to this day, i still receive a zip lock bag of dried lentils 2 or 3 times a season.
  15. we should set an over/under for minutes before snowfall and/or winter is mentioned. I'll begin by setting the # at 4, and i'll bet under.
  16. only one hall of famer in that list... boy we suck seriously, that's a good list
  17. in my mind and in my car?
  18. oh, so its like a stamper almost?? OR is it a ring that he dips in wax? On a side note, the lady who was shot with the pope, from buffalo, my mother worked on when she returned after that took place. Again, i'm not catholic, but its cool to know that i only had a 2 degree seperation from him.
  19. I am not catholic, so i don't understand many of the rituals... Anyways, what's the deal with the ring being broken? Apartment sealed?? Lying in state?? where will he actually be buried? I'm not about to join some religious forum, so i'm using TBD as a guide to help me understand these and other questions. In all due respect though to catholics and the Polish people, i give my respects and prayers.
  20. first time since 9/11, but it appears that cnn.com has crashed
  21. its most definitely confirmed... RIP
  22. waiting on confirmation...
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