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Everything posted by Corp000085

  1. because he's worth nothing to the bills after this season. If TD has the cap projected till next year and he sees that its impossible to sign NC, then he's forced to take the hit at CB this year and trade him at the draft for a prospect. Conversely, TD could sign NC to a long term deal to make him happy and we'd sacrafice depth and be in cap hell. Or we could just let him walk and get nothing.
  2. I love all the interesting things that they do on EMHE along with the personal stories, but i really can't stand that metro ty. That SNL spoof from a couple weeks ago was funny though.
  3. Lance, tiger, gordon, schumacher, and everyone else who doesn't play in the 4 major leagues are all atheletes. I can't say who's the best, but i can say that lance is the most dominant athelete of our time. Cycling is a global sport and he simply is 3 steps ahead of everyone else, like Jordan. Tiger, over his career, can become the most dominant, but right now he's coming out of a dry spell. Another reason to vote for lance is that he overcame cancer that almost killed him. (really almost killed him, not E$PN almost killed Mario Lemieux)
  4. at least he gets to retire undefeated.
  5. Editor's note: ralph wilson, age 80something, would most definitely kick the crap out of willis mcgahee, age 20something in a set of tennis.
  6. First of all, welcome. Second, my points will pretty much echo those already stated, but i'll make them anyways. Henry is a solid running back. He is a north-south runner who doesn't really improvise if the play breaks down. He'll simply run through people rather than around them. His TD numbers are decent because he has a history of plowing through the line to get them. He's also extremely tough. as previously noted, he ran on a broken leg, and got most of his yards in one of his 1000 yard seasons with a broken rib. Henry lacks breakaway speed, definitely needs to be coached in pass receiving and blocking (by coached, i mean told what those words even mean... needless to say, he sucked). Henry had a history of making game turning fumbles (the denver game??), and not getting critical first downs. I thought henry was a team player till the bills drafted willis mcgahee. He moaned about that being a slap in his face and bla bla bla. Also, he had an "incident" with a 15 year old halfway house escapee who claimed she was 18, at a gas station. He eventually lost his job to mcgahee partially because willis was healthy, and partially because he couldn't make anything happen during the first half of last season. In summary, i think travis would be a decent addition to the eagles. Bills fans can agree that travis will be a team player if kept happy, simply because he's too stupid not to be. He'll rush for 1000 yards again in a simplified, run happy offense. He'll need a lot of time with your coaches if you want him to be a 3rd down back. Also, he'll give a great interview, if only for the sake of comedy. Now, can we have your 2nd round pick this year, and your first next year?
  7. That's a funny movie. Michael moore or not.
  8. Or, he figured that michael vick was just a speedy kick returner who happened to play QB. This guy is going to end up being a blip. Statistically, he sucks bad as a QB, he's an idiot, and he's one cut away from a torn ACL. I'm definitely not sold on MV as a QB, so i'm glad he's not with the bills. Maybe butler saw the medical report, or maybe he just saw his character and that was enough, but i'm glad that one of john butler's last football decisions was passing on vick.
  9. SNL goes through huge ups and even bigger downs. For as much as we hate the show now, it won't go off the air, and in 5 years, we'll all be loving it again. It's always been that way and it always will.
  10. You're very wrong... He is not a power lifter, he was a power lifter.
  11. I always tivo snl... Now, mostly i fast forward through it, but i do watch it just to see if there are any cameos, and to watch weekend update. I only liked the bears skit this week though, if only to see if george wendt would make a suprise appearance.
  12. Good lord that was bad.
  13. Don't ya think that cleveland would be slightly better if they were working with new england??
  14. Well our boy had a touchdown, but as jerry said, he was just a silver lining in a touch of grey. Translation: The TBD rec league game at the southeast YMCA would have been more exciting to watch than that piece of crapola.
  15. yeah, it looks like aryan justice will fit right in with the other fat, crosseyed, sheet wearing slobs that call themselves KKK members in 20 years.
  16. and check out who's listed as #1 on their roster. http://www.fayettevilleguard.com/team_photos.php he shows up on the all time bills roster too: http://www.buffalobills.com/display_cont.jsp?cont_id=62937 Looks like i'll be asking him about his favorite michigan QB, if he indeed was camp fodder in 1997. After a quick search, it appears that he had 2 punt returns and 6 kickoff returns that year. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/football/nfl/players/4184/ Also, if he indeed was a bill in 1997, that means that his only NFL coach was none other than MARV LEVY!
  17. KErry sayers and ginger geoffery always made for a good sabres gamenight.
  18. I really can't wait to watch willis roll over the falcons while peerless watches from his TV.
  19. Wait, you said bledsoe... I thought this was the standard Flutie argument???
  20. Yeah, who cares really... Dallas could play on MNF all season next year, but if they still end up 6-10 or worse (which they will since they have DB without playmakers WM, EM, or LE), nobody will remember when they played... Just that they sucked. Go Bills
  21. haha, that honestly made me laugh. Go Batavia Bills!
  22. no offense to anyone who keeps posting this stuff, but the answer is simple. MNF looks at TV market size first, then team strength. This is why you get washington, oakland, miami on every year. The bills would have a MNF game if they made it into the playoffs because they're small market. Washington will always have a MNF game, even if they're 4-12. Buffalo won't, unless they go 12-4.
  23. it's a vicious cycle. Remember how crappy we all felt after the pittsburgh game? Well, i'm officially excited for the beginning again. WHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
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