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Everything posted by Corp000085

  1. and that's when i stopped reading
  2. anyone have a link with a pic? She absolutely should not graduate on time. She knew of the requirements, was given an option to fufill them, and would not budge. However, since the school messed up her schedule, they should offer some sort of make up gym class over the summer so she can get her normal degree. Since she's going to college anyways, hopefully she'll graduate. If she doesn't though, the difference between a GED and a full high school diploma could possibly be the difference between minimum wage and a higher wage.
  3. do they have the video of aj feeley dancing around after he jammed his thumb?
  4. TD gave these guys the "go". TD's disciples
  5. june 4th?? christ... that's the day that directv is scheduled to be installed at my place. Good thing i selected AM (8-12). Hopefully tivo will be up and running by 1pm.
  6. bunny dog recipe http://www.savetoby.com
  7. Evil will prevail because good is dumb. I see your Shwartz is as big as mine. Now, lets see how well you use it. "STOP THIS THING! We can't stop, we have to slow down first. BULLSH--! STOP THIS THING! Why don't we take five. Smoke if you've got em"
  8. The article does not say how violent the kid got. 10 days could be a very reasonable suspension, plus who knows what kind of prior discipline this kid has faced. All i'm saying is that this is bad for all parties.
  9. I'll take it from this guy... To all the moms out there, including my own, happy mother's day!! Be good to yo' motha's fool!
  10. As a teacher, 10 days is perfectly fair for using his cell phone in school and for being defiant. All the article says is that he used profanity and was defiant. If he dropped an F-bomb, disrupted classes, made verbal or physical threats, 10 days is more than warrented. Charges weren't filed, so i'd say this kid is lucky. With that being said, its unfortunate that he didn't give his teachers prior warning that his cell phone was his mother's way of reaching him from the war, or that he didn't say it was his mom. It's just very unfortunate that the school was made to look bad because of the article, but it did what it had to do. The kid should have been a little more understanding to the situation and either given prior warning about his cell phone (i'm sure the school would have bent the rules for his case) and shouldn't have gone off the handle. If you don't work in a school setting, i find it hard but not impossible for you to understand the meaning of a threat, or a potential violent situation. The school looks like the bad guy here, but they did the right thing for the other x - 1 students and faculty. Crappy situation all around.
  11. I'd bet the house on the miami game. Don't know when it will be officially announced though.
  12. as per the links on TBD. Like we needed another reason to get tickets for Mexico Bowl I, or the miami game? Thurman Thomas was the best RB to play for the bills. Sure, OJ was a more pure runner, but TT redefined the position with his ability as a receiver. The new generation of RBs owes a royalty to the man who caught more passes than many well seasoned wide receivers. Oh yeah, he also was NOT drafted in the first round. The bills didn't have a 1st rounder that year, so he went in the 2nd. (hmmm, i could go somewhere with this, but i won't) One last thing: He played on a surgically reconstructed knee, and we totally forgot. (hmmmm, i could go somewhere with this, but i won't) Also, he was arrogant, not fan friendly, and smarter than a brick, but not as smart as a harvard grad with intelligence leaning toward the brick. It doesn't matter though, cause i loved the guy and he was one of my football heros. 2 more years till he and i have to buy a plane ticket to canton.
  13. He'll beat it. After all, he is a Buffalo Bill.
  14. clarence edit: class of 1997
  15. The Blackbear
  16. someone stuck up for me!! You can call me quincy if you like... If DT had died in his car, then i would not have said that... HOwever, he was thrown from his vehicle from not wearing his seat belt. I feel like i don't have to justify my comments any more than that!
  17. I don't know... but one of my friends from high school was a jill back in 1999.
  18. and if he were a nice quality 'smart' man, he'd still be alive. I have sympathy for derrick thomas' family, children, the chiefs, and their fans, but i had little sympathy for derrick thomas himself then or now. His name at arrowhead stadium is just a giant billboard for seatbelt safety. With that being said, leonard little has yet to be fairly judged. It wasn't now, but his time will come.
  19. I'm sure he has tried all kinds of braces, and knows the risks and rewards of both wearing and not wearing a brace. If willis needs a brace, he'll wear one. If not, he won't, and there's nothing to worry about.
  20. get well soon fergy!
  21. that looks like a new york islanders football jersey. Weird.
  22. haha, houston oilers... what a choad. Some old man had an oilers hat on today as i was at the post office, starter cap circa 1991-1994. I was quick to say go bills to him. I'm glad i could make his day.
  23. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=2051653 2 Purple Hearts for his NFL tour of duty... Since he was launched from his motorcycle, is he eligible for the distinguished flying cross? I don't mean to make light of a dude in a bike accident, so i'm glad he's alive and well. EDIT: thanks mods for consolidating... hadn't realized another thread was started.
  24. Looks like the webmaster will have to find an american willing to put up the piuctures so the site won't be shut down.
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