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Everything posted by Corp000085

  1. I believe the wording of the rules are that if you retire to elude a drug suspension you're automatically suspended for a year if you choose to return... I just hope the NFL has the gonads to stand by that ruling if ricky does choose to come back.
  2. Or till McGahee holds out based on the advice of his agent next offseason.
  3. thanks guys... i wasn't doing an image search. Mission accomplished. thanks again.
  4. I'm using google right now, so don't let that be your only suggestion... IF i find an answer before anyone replies, i'll delete this. With that out of the way, I'm putting the batting order into my computer to give printouts to everyone for our teacher vs. 5th graders kickball game. Anyhow, is there a website that will give me a picture of a baseball diamond so i can insert names into the defensive positions? If not, i'll have to use the drawing tool in word to make a diamond. Thanks!
  5. Cooli-ooli-oolio, sisquo, biggie... these guys can rap, but how well can they croon??
  6. congrats to the biscuit... NFL accolades to follow.
  8. i'm down with that.
  9. Who's going tonight? I was unable to get tickets for tonight, so i'm going next tuesday with my friends from work.
  10. I sat row 1 behind the bench once. Actually, it was the fabled "rob johnson destroys the colts and earns a playoff start" game. I wasn't too impressed with that seat though, as it was a very very long walk up for beer and you couldn't get a good view of the field. OTher than that, i have loved every seat i've sat in.
  11. I am one of the rare ones who acutally saw that in the theater. I freakin love that movie. Also, they drink a fine beer to !@#$ you up--molson ice.
  12. Apparently i'm in the way minority, but i enjoyed the weaze show during my 4 years in rochester. I haven't heard it since i moved in 2003 though. It was a slowed down, mindless talk, which i enjoyed. Anyhow, what's the deal with his cancer? this is the first i've heard of it. I assume its either lung or throat cancer from the 9000 cigarettes he smokes per day?
  13. what's your favorite hot dog joint?
  14. looks like we'll get to see lohan's downward spiral next week, according to don.
  15. this house is a dump wait till you check out the pool my least favorite beer is milwakee's best ice, aka the beast ice. Straubs is pretty sick, but beast ice has gotten me sick more than a few times, so its ranked #1. As for straubs, i just don't like the grainy taste (same with rolling rock, to a lesser degree)
  16. henry would have immense value to the eagles... he's a better back then westbrook (holding out currently) I'd call that trade a slight overpayment for henry, but not an insane overpayment.
  17. Yes. 10-25-1991 Pierre turgeon, uwe krupp, benoit houge, and dave mclwain to NYI for pat lafontaine, randy wood, randy hillier, 1992 4th round pick (dean melanson) as for andrychuck... 2-9-1993 dave andrychuck, daren puppa, 1993 1st round pick (kenny jonsson) to toronto for grant fuhr, 1995 5th round pick (kevin popp) The most lopsided trade in NHL history is this set of trades June 15,1992 Christian Ruuttu and Future Considerations to Winnipeg for Stephane Beaureguard August 07,1992 Stephane Beauregard and a 1993 4th round draft pick to Chicago (Eric Daze) for Dominik Hasek --no comment! http://www.sabresfans.com/history/Trade.asp
  18. I'd say Henry and Lindell for Akers and a 3rd next year. No way we squeeze a 2nd for henry with another player involved.
  19. no earlier than 9am for two reasons. 1) cutting the grass wet means you need ultra sharp blades, which most people do not have. 9am is a good time because most of the dew is evaporated. 2) Unless you live in a neighborhood where its normal to cut before 9, it will piss of the neighbors.
  20. damn it... i miss hockey horribly
  21. What about Great-GILFs?
  22. would you do pat benatar?
  23. I only have a soft spot for the houston oilers. Anytime i see that helmet, or anyone wearing a hat, coat, or anything oilers, i immediately feel a great sense of power over them. This in turn makes me feel bad that they have chosen such a doomed team to follow. Other than that, i hate all nfl teams to a degree.
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