I watched wrestlemania VII with a box of kleenex... The way the hulkster was able to get out of the camel clutch slapped on by the sarge... That was increadible.
I too am glad that she didn't pull the gender card. She raced a good race at the end. If it weren't for those rookie mistakes like stalling or that minor accident she had, the girl would have won the race.
you just have to remember to be safe with the thing, and to attempt to keep a constant temperature. I've used a turkey frier for wings and fried veggies and the thing was great. Used the expensive peanut oil and was able to keep the oil at temperature after adding the food. Just as long as you know the level to not fill above, all should be safe (unless you cook on a hill... )
auto racing is a sport, period. It's a sport of endurance, stamina, upper and lower body strength, and hand-eye coordination. No, they don't run, tackle, skate, or play with a ball, but racers are the same atheletes as any other pro athelete.
open wheel racing in america is not popular at all. It has a very small following and quite frankly is more boring than nascar. I'm a huge Formula One fan (imagine eurotrash driving road courses at 5am on a sunday... that takes dedication and a season pass manager). However, something about the Indy 500 makes me watch every year. I know nothing about the newer racers. All i know are the famous guys throughout the history of the race. I know two things this year though: danica patrick has a shot to actually win or place, and she's pretty hot. That spells marketability. Anyhow, you know i'm rooting for 100lbs of t & a over 200lbs of robby gordon or tony stewart or whatever other brazilian clown they throw in a car... (not to mention, her car owner is david letterman.... that's press right htere)
Did i mention she's hot?
I'm with you... ATH is so bad that is actually deters me from watching PTI sometimes! If i'm sitting at the tv at 4:55, i'll usually end up picking an hour show from the guide and totally forget to turn it over at 5:30, simply because just a second of that show will make me want to murder. One redeaming quality of the show is that stat boy is less of a RICHARD than the original host.
I'd love to have PTI be an hour long. It's very unique in its format which allows it to be easily extended to 1 full hour without a dropoff in quality.
edit: why are you posting this at 5:45am? Was it actually on then, or does your roommate have a season pass or whatever alelphia's equivelant is?
not to open a whole new bag of worms, but what if ralph spearheads the settlement to the looming CBA crisis, gets the new deal in place, and the day before the super bowl... 6 guys get called for the HOF leaving just one... Imagine the sweating palms then.
edit: i'm already getting pissed.
Possibly one of the world's most annoying things is the messed up sleep cycle. Along with the extra wide poop and the paper cut, the messed up sleep cycle really irritates me. I was really tired at 4pm yesterday when i got home from work so i took a nap. Wife woke me at 6:30 for dinner and i said i'd be out in a minute. Well, i finally woke up and its 2am! I have till 4 before i will make coffee, so i'm basically screwed. Thursday and friday at work are definitely going to suck! [/rant]
I believe that the dolphins have a bye in week 4, playing us in week 5 and the bucs in week 6. That would make the bills game as game 4 of his suspension, meaning his first game back would be against the bucs.
Hey we could think about it this way: She's on a serious downfall. This means one thing: "stolen" sex tape. The thing about these tapes is that they're always a couple years old. So, 19 year old skinny cracked up lohan could have a slip of a 3 year old tape, featuring 17 year old perfect 10 lohan getting freaky. I can only hope.
I got a kick out of bear city at the end.
SNL is very tired. Hopefully they'll do a major overhaul on the cast for next year. What was with the "good luck PP" sign that horatio sanz was holding up?
I've mentioned before, but i know that there is a group ready to buy the bills and keep them here if and when ralph passes. I have a family member who has first hand knowledge of this deal, but i can't get into specifics... You'll just have to trust me.