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Everything posted by Corp000085

  1. the sabres current salary is in that range, so this would not break the bank. BTW, i got my dtv fixed.
  2. msnbc link espn link
  3. TD cleared my CMOS by adjusting the jumper pins.
  4. BUMP... not much of a legal expert, but doesn't a prolonged deliberation stear more towards either a hung jury or some pretty persuasive arguments on both sides?
  5. I'd like them to wear pads and helmets to the super bowl instead of the usual sweaters if they live north or bathing suits if they live south.
  6. i hope it goes down, as i don't have to work and can glue myself to CNN.
  7. We do.
  8. 6'3" at his playing days. However, that could have been inflated like everything else in pro sports, also the dude is around 45 and played a violent game for 25 years of his life. He could have a slouch or simply disc problems. My dad had 3 disks rupture and he lost about 2". its possible
  9. Knock Knock Who's there? Little Boy Blue Little Boy Blue who? Michael Jackson
  10. The North Java Inn... Thinking back on my summer camp counselor days would not be complete without thinking of the nights at "The Jave"... man, i miss that place. I want 1 pitcher of blue, 1 glass, an Innburger, and a basket of fries... Good lord.
  11. Ok, i've moved in. This morning i sweated out the directv install... There was a pole in the ground already from the previous owner, so he put up the dish, ran 2 coax into the house on the bottom floor and one upstairs. Did a great install, he hid the 2nd floor wire very nicely and burried the 2 on the first floor in the dirt about a foot down. 20 minutes ago some pats hat wearing time warner guy came to set up the cable modem. Anyhow, the moral of the story is, if you have a double garage full of furniture, and a pissed off wife, take 5 minutes to check into the wall before the unis get unveiled! Talk to you guys later, peace out.
  12. me too. people who diss hockey have either never watched or played. I've never "gotten into" an NFL playoff game featuring one of the other 31 teams. Never in my life! Whether it be the sabres (my team) or any other team, i'm on the edge of my seat, on the verge of a seizure while i watch an NHL playoff game. There's just something different that can't be explained to someone who hasn't experienced it. I can't wait for the team to get back on the ice. I won't blame miroslav satan or brian campbell or zhitnik (still a UFA, mind you). Buttman and gootenow (sp?) better not show up for a game anytime soon.
  13. yes, and while you're at it, can you explain to her why i have an aquarium canister filter running through the dishwasher?? (i'm retiring my magnum 350 for the time being, but you can go to www.fishforum.net to read about that!) We're set to go though... now just one more sleepless night to go.
  14. its not povery, its "building equity"
  15. I'm quite excited. After 2 and a half months of looking, 1 rejected bid, and one accepted bid, we're closing tomorrow at noon. here's my original thread on the topic http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showt...=22644&hl=house Anyhow, i have our two cars loaded with boxes and loose stuff. We'll close tomorrow, unload, come back and load up here and go back and forth. I've got the help lined up, as well as a uhaul on friday for furniture. I might be absent from the wall for a few days, as my wife would murder me if she saw me on a message board instead of packing. There shouldn't be any hitches with the paperwork or transfer of keys tomorrow. We've got our certified check already from the bank. The only thing that could go wrong would be the current owners not signing tomorrow, which would mean a lawsuit and a lack of place for them to sleep (i drove past today as they were putting their bed on the truck...) After the move, i'll be looking forward to purchasing an HDTV and hd tivo setup as well as some landscaping. I'll be here to post if i see something i like, but wish me luck now! its going to be a long and exciting weekend.
  16. There's 10 types of people in this world: those who understand binary, and those who don't.
  17. Yeah, he's got a lot of skeletons... Like, Night of the Living Dead skeletons. I think it would be in his best interests not to run.
  18. You're my boy, Blue!
  19. 1) Corp000085* I am not on a list because i've never published any of my music.
  20. 1) my wife got a teaching job, so i took a leave from college and moved down with her 2) fayetteville, nc 3) I am buying a house on thursday in hope mills, nc. Everything is cheaper down here. I'd get probably less than half the house i'm getting if it were in NY. 4) in a heartbeat 5) good lord... That's a toughie. Reorganize county, and city governments (that's the short answer)
  21. excellent... As for the color laser, my school has a hp LJ 3550 which runs great. I have no need to buy one for myself as long as i'm a teacher at that school.
  22. then you'll owe me... enter my imagination!
  23. Ink? you're so 1997. You need toner... And with that comes a laser printer. I have the HP Laserjet 2300 and its literally the best investment i've made for my computer, ever. (my next printer will be a color laserjet though). My toner is good for thousands (i'd know for sure, but i haven't printed a supplies page lately, but i do know its somewhere between 1000 and 9999) of pages. I've had my cartridge since august 2003.
  24. On a side note, what's the deal with the NFL network's broadcast next week at 1pm? Is thjat still on? I checked my DTV guide a couple days ago and saw that some nfl europe game was on for the 4th. http://www.nfl.com/nflnetwork/schedule/0604 edit: ah, i see that its a live TAPING, meaning it will be a special sometime in the future.
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