I'm quite excited. After 2 and a half months of looking, 1 rejected bid, and one accepted bid, we're closing tomorrow at noon. here's my original thread on the topic
Anyhow, i have our two cars loaded with boxes and loose stuff. We'll close tomorrow, unload, come back and load up here and go back and forth. I've got the help lined up, as well as a uhaul on friday for furniture. I might be absent from the wall for a few days, as my wife would murder me if she saw me on a message board instead of packing. There shouldn't be any hitches with the paperwork or transfer of keys tomorrow. We've got our certified check already from the bank. The only thing that could go wrong would be the current owners not signing tomorrow, which would mean a lawsuit and a lack of place for them to sleep (i drove past today as they were putting their bed on the truck...) After the move, i'll be looking forward to purchasing an HDTV and hd tivo setup as well as some landscaping. I'll be here to post if i see something i like, but wish me luck now! its going to be a long and exciting weekend.