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Everything posted by Corp000085

  1. he should rape a cancer stricken boy... that way he'd get more of a response. I'd love to see the boss at the hsbc. I'll have to see if he's playing at the raleigh arena (i forget the name, but its where the canes play hockey...)
  2. I hate to praise the pope's death, but i was very glad that JP2 got sick within 12 hours of schaivo. That swept that useless story under the rug really quick.
  3. SPF 50?
  4. I'm not really a boxing fan. Is he related to crocodile dundee?
  5. no buster douglas was not the reason, but it seems like tyson's in ring problems began with buster douglas... In any event, because of his upbringing, his people, and the way he is wired, tyson was pretty much set to explode. It's unfortunate that a guy with such talent basically had zero potential to maximize it. Either way, i still don't feel sorry for his misfortunes.
  6. I'm just saying two things. first, its all hindsight. Second, i'd have a strong argument if he didn't go off the deep end from buster douglas on.
  7. it's all hindsight now, but if he had extended his 1985-1990 dominance 10-15 more years, had not gotten himself thrown in jail, then yes, he would have been one of the best ever. But, its all hypothetical
  8. speaking of his opponent, have you seen the great white hype? that's a GREAT movie.
  9. Wow, its getting here in hot. I need to bump the ac on the temperature nwod. TIDE: Stupid gnikcuf dolts and their dolt fans.
  10. I hope your girlfriend/wife doesn't know your alias on here... the dude's a convicted rapist. Every time i hear him try to make himself sound vulnerable, i see that clip of him dancing with those handcuffs... The guy was on track to be the best boxer ever, but then he lost to a nobody, raped a girl, bit off a guy's ear, and has been on the brink of psychosis his entire adult life.
  11. I just read something about him refusing to fight, therefore iron mike lost. It was a blurb on espn.com. I want to know if anyone actually ordered the thing.
  12. ok i'm pissed. the dtv guide said 1985 snl, with hulk hogan and mr. t as the hosts. What did i get? an snl from 1995 with george forman as the host. Talk about pissed... e! is notorious for not showing the advertised episode though, so i should have expected that.
  13. hulk hogan on SNL from 1985... noon today on E! You can tape it and add it to your vhs collection if you wish
  14. I've got a bedroom for you... although, i live in north carolina
  15. TD burned out my eyeballs, but Ken Corp #85 made me a good typist.
  16. i'm not reading through 43 pages of material, but if nobody mentioned this before: TD made ed into a terrible human being. If this point was mentioned before, then TD made me post it again.
  17. i heard on cnn this morning that the show only had a 3 show contract. They said that it had some good ratings, so hopefully it will be extended. I'm really pulling for a new kids on the block reunion.
  18. Here's what i did in my old apartment and my brand new house: I took one bedroom, put all my bills/sabres memorabilia in it. Set up the computer/home network, tv, ps2, directv receiver, my fishtank, and stereo. It's my room, with my stuff. I have a 19" tv in here, as opposed to the 36" downstairs, but you damn well better be sure that i'll be watching the bills in this room, with the door shut, and plenty of beer. Moral of the story: don't buy into the myth that you have to do everything with her at all times. You need time for yourself in space for yourself. Whether it be the garage, kitchen, bathroom, or in my case, the extra bedroom, you need your own space where she's the guest. She's got her own space and i know not to !@#$ with it, just like she knows not to !@#$ with mine. You can keep your money seperate, use proper toilet etiquite (btw, i keep the lids closed too. that saves the argument, plus it makes the toilets look nicer) even get away for a while, but if you don't have your own place in your house, you won't last more than a week.
  19. I have the clock with the regular logo on it. The thing is increadibly durable. It's all plastic, so the "glass" will get scratched up if you have it set in an area where it will get knocked over. Mine's up high though, and its still brand new. I want that throwback clock to go in my buffalo den.
  20. ALT + F4 is your friend. Seriously, lock down your computer, pda and phone. Grant her user rights. Use the excuse that its your computer and you don't want it to get messed up. Leave one single dish in the sink. toilet seat up. use her conditioner. use her facial cleanser. order PPV go out shopping alone and not tell her where you're going/what you're buying.
  21. GREAT show. The guy that did the song from the roxbury guys on snl, the motels, the knack, tommy tutone, and possibly the single most jaw dropping performance ever by VANILLA ICE was tonight. This is a great show for nostalgia and train wreck appeal. nbc tursdays at 9. [/plug]
  22. bledsoe must be his red box then
  23. for as messed up as he is, mike tyson has provided the best soundbytes by any pro athelete in the past 20 years, hands down.
  24. its simple... they're not represented by the rappers on mtv or on E$PN. Fo' Shizzle!
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