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Everything posted by Corp000085

  1. noproblemnoproblemnoproblem...
  2. http://sports.espn.go.com/nhl/news/story?id=2106776 hockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockeyhockey
  3. I saw that show and it was great. Sam's always had some great soundbytes. I'll never forget when he took that PA mic and made his snowball comments about cleveland. Great stuff.
  4. my thoughts exactly. I watch espn for NFL primetime (can't even stomach countdown anymore, thanks to TJ looking like irvin's clown sidekick, crying over donovan mcnabb's hurt feelings, BTW, rush was right about half of what he said: Mcnabb is overrated!) and for live sporting events. CAn't handle SC, PTI, e.o.(ijustwannaracedaddy)e. or any other crap they throw at me. Oh wait, i do enjoy WSOP, but i guess that falls under the live sporting event category. Television is cyclical. ESPN is in the stage where they're comfortable. They'll eventually lose certain viewers and will have to retool. I still believe in what espn stood for in the 1980's and early 90's. They'll come back eventually. As for hockey, the rules committee has to do one thing, and one thing only: Eliminate the instigator rule. By allowing your 4th line to be goons instead of a clear the zone and dump the puck line, yoiu'll eliminate clutching and grabbing, the trap defense, cheap shots to your goalie, bogged down play, etc. Next time somoeone grabs miroslav satan, or clips lepieux with their stick, you get your teeth knocked out, without a 5 minute major, 10 minute misconduct, and 3 game suspension. 2 minute penalty, end of story. EDIT: the return of the nhl is the #1 headline on espn.com right now, so that's that!
  5. Moulds bleeds red white and blue. He'll take a REASONABLE paycut or sign a long term backloaded salary with the intensions of retiring (ala favre, bledsoe [w/NE in theory]) before the contract escalades. Now, if he's offered a 1 year, vet minimum, then of course he'll walk.
  6. thanks... keep the insider coming. i don't have a subscription.
  7. you want flair?
  8. not that i'm suggesting you made up that entire article, but where's the link?? I'm really close to getting excited about the return of the buffalo sabres, but i'm holding back till i can see some sort of linkage.
  9. I enjoyed the show for one reason, and one reason only. Kelly monaco. That chick is smokin hot. abc bio oh yeah, she's also a former playboy playmate. google... The place to find happy pictures.
  10. well, thanks for the advice so far. I can't wait to hear today's drama with the SIL, her boyfriend, her son, and my MIL.
  11. I pretty much told her that, and she agreed that she's a wife first, daughter second. I also put all politically correctness aside and told her that if we had a kid, and her mom told us how to raise him, andn she listened to her over me, that would be it for us. There's not really an issue with my wife and me... we're really good. we do a good job of communicating. We just haven't in a while cause of the visit. Last night was good cause i told her what was up. The kicker: she actually agreed with me. All is well.
  12. thanks for the advice. i pretty much took darin's advice and just talked to my wife for a while. I realize that its not really my business because the leach that my MIL has over my SIL really has nothing to do with me, but its still really stressful to be basically put in the middle of their crap. But all in all, i did talk to my wife, told her how i felt, told her to not throw it back at me but just to listen. She did, we both went to bed happy. Now, i think i'm good to go. LA... they're actually here for almost 2 weeks, not 4 days... maybe i typed that wrong. However, nothing compares to your 8 weeks of hell. As for going to work, i'm a teacher, so i don't really have work right now. for the argument that my SIL needs her mom to do that for her, well, i just don't buy it. Yeah, she's a little off... Yeah, her boyfriend is a loser. Yeah, she hasn't really succeeded in the past. She's still pretty smart though and can handle life slapping her across the face. Here's a good story: easter 2004... My wife (fiance at the time) and i went to her house for easter. Wife's sister lived in the basement with her boyfriend (weird). One morning, MIL checks the mail and finds welfare/government assistance info addressed to the younger sister. Naturally, MIL opens the mail without asking and reads about getting assistance for a single mother. She then rummages through her daughter's stuff and finds "pregnancy for dummies." Then there was the confrontation. Luckily, that coincided with the start of a hockey game, so i had something to watch while i hid out in my wife's bedroom. Long story short: she was hiding her pregnancy, was getting perfectly decent pre natal care, had her finances set up, was looking for a place to live, but was 8 months pregnant. I guess i'll gain two pieces of wisdom from this: 1) its a good thing i live 600 miles away for when my wife finally gets pregnant and 2) i'll give my own kids their freedom when they;'re 18. they may be youinge than me, but they can handle what life gives them. oh yeah, detoxsmurf, if you're still in fayetteville, PM me... we'll get together for those jack on the rocks.
  13. i hope he doesn't get bedsores
  14. scary.... Good luck to the tbd londoners. To the rest of us, keep a lookout. Remember, they knocked down the pentagon and WTC with a boxcutter. it doesn't take much, so be on the lookout.
  15. Ok, here's the deal... I feel like making a LAMP. It's the off season so deal with it. Anyhow, my wife of a year is VERY close with her mother and father. She is the stereotypical good girl. went to college, met, dated and married me (some would argue a halfway decent guy) and now is a teacher. Her little sister on the other hand was the bad girl. Got kicked off of sports teams, trouble at school, dropped out of college, dated bad a$$ boyfriend, got knocked up, had a kid, still dating boyfriend, living on welfare and handouts from her mother, etc. Ok, that's the background. Now, the mother in law... She's very very controlling, all knowing, always right, italian, stereotypical overbearing mother. well, my wife's parents drove 600 miles to visit our new house and have been here all week. I'm ready to drink the entire fayetteville, nc cache of jack daniels at this point. mom in law has literally been on the phone with my wife's sister every hour since they got here, using her cell phone, my cell phone, and our land line. Mom in law is so controlling, its ridiculous. She takes her checks, puts them in her own account and acts as the banker for her daughter. Yes, her daughter is extremely immature and probably couildn't find her way out of a paper bag, but she is 22, living with her boyfriend, and has a 1 year old son of her own. Long story short: Mother in law's antics drive me absolutely nuts. She's driven my wife's father to clinical depression, which he's taking meds for. She's basically unofficially adopted my nephew, and completely written off my sister in law as a mother. She's left my wife alone pretty much, because she's "the good child". The real kicker is that i can't mention anything bad about the mother in law to my wife, even if its so obvious that she brings it up. I've pretty much completely had it. Short of going on a 4 day drinking bender, what options do i have? I dropped about 60lbs of 10-10-10 on the lawn about 4 days ago and it looks like a jungle out there, so that's 2 hours of yardwork. I can wash cars tomorrow too. I really need to lower the stress so i don't say anything to piss off my wife, or accidentally slip up and say something to her mom. Again, i appologize for putting blog material on the board, but most of you know i don't usually post crap like this, so cut me some slack.
  16. Congrats to nick... do we get the hometown discount on your future ticket scalping business? My thoughts on NYC: This is possibly the best news for the bills. Now, that $1.2 billion stadium is in doubt. That olympic stadium for the jets, like it or not, would have been the kiss of death for the buffalo bills. Now that its in doubt, Ralph wilson stadium is still viable.
  17. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=2100419 Here's to the guy who showed the NFL that joe naimath wasn't a fluke: ... edit: oops... maybe someone could merge my thread with the other hank stram thread?
  18. Well, i always do watch those when they're on... Keep the "low" fresh so that i can enjoy the "high" even more in february!
  19. Great running backs are quirky... they always seem to run strong and get HOF numbers, but then the bottom falls out before you even notice. I'd say martin is closing in on his brick wall, but nobody knows when he'll actually hit it, including himself. Till i actually see him start to suck badly, i'll predict he has an up year.
  20. rod must not like unknown qbs or something. maybe he's still upset that the good reverand frank reich whooped him 13 years ago. i'm not entirely mad at his comments though. he's taking the safe bet that jp will struggle. that's what commentators do, they take the safe bet. just keep rod in the "save until you delete" category to prove him wrong after the champagne wears off after the bills win the bowl.
  21. dohn't take it personally... the media is experts on everything. Well, everything except for psychiatry, as per Rev. Tom Cruise, M.D., Ph.D., Ed.D.
  22. As patrick roy once said to JR, "i couldn't hear him, i had my rings stuck in my ears". well, screw you jr. i can understand that you might not have wanted your negative rant played, but you said it. no skin off of my back though, i hate the flyers and i hate your attitude now and then, when you played. There's 3 types of hockey players: great players with great hearts and a head on their shoulders (lafontaine), crappy players who play for the love of the game and have a great heart (rob ray), and those who are great, but are spoiled little bi+ches (JR, lemieux). oh yeah, flyers suck, so eat that jr.
  23. would you eat the moon if it were made of spare ribs?
  24. here's some prozac... calm down dude!
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