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Everything posted by Corp000085

  1. press conference notes rules changes: OT changes to a shootout after ot period. NO TIES!!! no centerline tag up offsides pushed nets back 2 feet reduce goalie equipment "stricker enforcement" (yeah right) of obstruction more conference games olympics next year and 2010 no all star game in olympic years Buffalo Sabres awarded the 1999 stanley cup (just kidding... pay attention!) CBA ratified 30-0 playoffs stay at 16 teams rhetoric rhetoric rhetoric season starts october 5 Q & A session: buttman "won't be going anywhere" collin campbell gives crap about how the rules will be enforced. He looks like vinegar right now, cause he's a douche. buttman asked about revenue sharing and he deflected it away to a later time. Question was asked about the win/loss point system, but my tsn webcast froze for a sec maybe mr. clutch has that info update: 2 points for a regulation, OT or shootout win 1 point for an ot or shootout loss 0 points for a regulation period loss. goalies can only play puck in a designated trapezoid area behind net. see link http://www.nhl.com/nhlhq/cba/rules_changes072205.html JOSH MORA WITH A QUESTION haha bettman states that the playoff format will remain the same until further notice. Shootout ot format is for REG. season only, leaving the playoff OT format, 5 on 5 full periods till someone scores
  2. I guess we can just follow what happens.... Not to worry though. you'll probably lose track of time when madden 2006 comes out.
  3. They can have the players programmed in with their looks and attributes... Plugging them on teams won't be too hard.
  4. the lockout is OFFICIALLY over http://www.tsn.ca
  5. I don't believe it has been on yet.
  6. you are very right that the system is not right. TO knows this too. My only beef with TO is the way he's handling it. He can hold out, he can make a statement, but he needs to keep his yapper shut, or at least watch what he says
  7. http://www.sagewalk.com check out the tuition prices! This summer, i'm into brat camp, into the west, and i've been watching "the last days of world war 2" on the history channel. I love that show. Brat camp is very enjoyable to me, as i'm a former residential camp counselor. It's quite interesting to see how the adults handle the issues that the kids bring to the table.
  8. its just screwed up... calgary (conference finalist) even having a shot at the #1 pick is whacked. Could you imagine if there was a lottery system for the nfl draft and espn did a computer simulation with the patriots winning the #1 pick? yeah, thought so
  9. Stewart was talking about all the press badmouthing john roberts, then said "do the democrats have any positives" or something to the effect... Then they show schumer stating that he's a bills fan. Stewart then shows a graphic of roberts in the crowd with "bills #1" painted on his chest. pretty funny.
  10. I'd have to dig for my sources... they're buried in my history and i'll get to that tomorrow... Isn't a member of the NHLPA a good enough source for you to at least put a slight shadow of doubt over you? I'm simply suggesting that the entire thing be shown so that the NHL baffoonery of the past can stay in the past. I don't watch Pardon the interruption by the way.
  11. How is it "rigged"? There's been talk in hockey circles that the entire system will be rigged so that the rangers get the #1 pick overall... You can rig a pingpong ball system by simply having the balls you want to come out of the hole be the lightest (the rangers balls). That's what allegedly happened when the NY knicks got patrick ewing in the 80's. Jeremy roenick has actually come out and said the thing will be rigged. Also, the lottery will take place behind closed doors without the presence of cameras or an independent party (yea yea, earnst and young will be there, but the warren report also said oswald was the lone gunman). The fans want to see this thing so we can be sure that no team will get screwed. The only real way we'll all know that it WAS NOT rigged would be if a team other than the rangers (the largest TV market in the country, where every 0.001 neilson rating counts for the nhl) got the first pick. Tune into TSN in canada, or espn news in america tomorrow at 4. Oh yeah, toronto will blow goat with or without sidney crosby, so that part of your statment won't even matter.
  12. I'm cool with the current lottery format FOR THIS YEAR ONLY. After this year, the draft should be ordered by record, like the NFL. That's the only legitimate way of doing it. The rangers should get the first pick, not cause they have 52 balls, but because they suck, just like the 49ers. Why chance the tampa bay lightning or detroit red wings getting the #1 pick every year? keep the lottery for this year, just cause everything is FUBAR, but after this year, base the order on record and playoff results.
  13. Can i have your autograph at the end of the game? This is a very humble thing to say. If the bills do lose, he can save face. If they win, he can tell him to sign his shoe.
  14. press conference notes: first guy to ask a question from buffalo... asks about competitive balance... salary cap will balance the league. bettman and goodenow will be friends... [i think gary likes to spoon bob] Teams will work together under the league, as opposed to seperate entities under the league. goodenow expects to continue to lead nhlpa. looking forward to working under new cba. bettman expects to continue to lead nhl... simple "sure" answer. 88% vote in favor of ratification of about 550 total players BG admitted to basically not agreeing to a cap but changing his mind over the course of the lockout. "outset"... god i miss that good old canadian accent! dennis williams asks about the procedure to ratify... BG explains that it was just a brief and a Q+A over the past day. Discussions this morning again, including players not present. voting from 10am to 3pm today. 1995 deal compared as being better for the owners than the players. current deal is better than the one offered in february (BG). Current cba will be better for both owners and players than the old one. espnews cuts away at that point. maybe soneone watching CBC can fill in the rest. my thoughts: This was the normal cut and dry "i like the deal" cookie cutter press conference. The only actual interesting thing i got from that was the answers to the question "will you stay on as leader of the nhl/nhlpa". Bob goodenow gave a good "i'm under contract/i want to continue what i've been doing." answer. Bettman's answer was a blank look, a 2 second delay, and a shrug the shoulders "sure". VERY telling. melrose is stating that they're taking away the 2 line offsides rule, goalie pads will be reduced. NHL will feel more like the game of the 70's, or olympic games. again, someone with cbc could continue the notes... EDIT: got the webcast from tsn.ca... buttman is stating that the draft lottery ball pick will be supervised by earnst and young... I'm sure they won't have a problem with some balls being ping pong balls and some being deer shot.
  15. to go along with the rangers players balls, which have been in the freezer since 1994.
  16. TSN reporting that the nhlpa has ratified the new agreement. Press conference at 4pm!! http://www.tsn.ca/nhl/news_story.asp?id=131005 UPDATE: NEWS CONFERENCE ON ESPNEWS MOMENTARILY
  17. nevermind that man behind the curtain!
  18. i love the full zoom on that google site... it's a closeup of swiss cheese.
  19. I looked for ya, but i can't find anywhere that tells when the schedule will be released. I can guarentee that they'll give a date on friday after the owners ratify the thing (provided there's not a players mutany in toronto today)
  20. God beamed him up... http://www.cnn.com/2005/SHOWBIZ/TV/07/20/o...n.ap/index.html
  21. in my rick jennerette voice: "Plenty more coming up in a moment! On the Empire Sports Network"
  22. I sincerely hope this guy comes on the show this sunday. Can you imagine the bills talk at the end of the show between him and russert?
  23. i'm having some fun after he frustrated me for 2 years.
  24. My opinion on this guy is that if it's apparents that he's going to vote down roe v. wade, rehnquist will have a legacy too... He'll stay till he dies. I sincerely hope that roberts comes out and states that he won't vote it down, call himself a moderate, get confirmed, and all will be well. However, he is still from buffalo and loves the bills, which leads to him probably choking and screwing something up for himself.
  25. i wonder how long till he hits up the vocational division of the local high school?
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