I'm with you.
People can argue about michael jordan, tiger woods, Wayne Gretzky, montana, etc. They are all great atheletes who transcend their sport, but lance armstrong is simply a step ahead of them. He's physically and mentally dominant in his sport. People are literally afraid of him. He can win a race by simply being close to the leader and psyching him out. Yes, all the other atheletes do that too. Yes, tiger and michael play in a far more marketable sport, but lance is the man. 7 in a row, a documented physical freak of nature (heart rate/lung capacity/stamina/etc). Oh yeah, he was given months to live and virtually 0% long term survivability because he had cancer spread throughout his body. That was before he started winning. Documented as to never taking steroids, plus he had 3 kids AFTER having his balls removed. He's also dating sheryl crow, which isn't too shabby in my book either.
1) Lance Armstrong
2) Michael Jordan/Wayne Gretzky/Tiger Woods
3) Everyone else