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Everything posted by Corp000085

  1. Cocaine's a hell of a drug, man.
  2. Is that related to the famed Alabama Black Snake?
  3. age 17?? OUTSTANDING!!
  4. Don't you mean: Dan Banks=DJ
  5. http://www.cnn.com/2005/SHOWBIZ/TV/08/03/t...w.ap/index.html too bad, as this was a GREAT show on a GREAT run. The good i'm taking from this is we never got to see it fall to its inevitable comedy central pathetic low.
  6. my sister lives in georgetown... she goes every saturday and calls to mock me as she gets gennesee beer and subs
  7. it's been 8 months since christmas, and my last wegmans sub. I need one now. If there's anyone here who works at wegmans, please grill danny to open one in north carolina, preferably fayetteville, but i'll settle for raleigh. This is a bad craving, one that is even worse than a mighty taco craving. GOOD LORD HELP ME OR STRIKE ME DOWN!!!
  8. bump... its confirmed that he is a regular TBD lurker.
  9. matthews to aiken?? is this a bad dream where i'm developing depth guys on madden??
  10. that was a good article... Hopefully this guy can squeeze his way onto the practice squad, or possibly the active roster. Working the family business isn't a bad gig either though. good read
  11. I just sent him an e-mail and plugged tbd and tsr.
  12. Textbook example of taking something out of context:
  13. We should send him some e-mails. jasonpbristol@hotmail.com
  14. 10 years... damn
  15. yeah i paraphrased that part of the interview cause i was using a crappy laptop keyboard and didn't want to type. i was going to edit that in later, but i forgot. he said he has two games circled, but he wanted to keep it a secret, tounge firmly planted in cheek. as a bills fan, i deduced that he wanted to play the pats. thanks jeff for filling in my gaffe.
  16. ok, apparently its after the fantasy football segment... ok here's what he said: harder to get going for training camp after 10 years. thinks grey and the bills defense has the tools... loves to play with them. offense has the tools now that losman is qb. losman and the o got much faster this year. o is going to be potent in red zone. can't wait to play the pats. didn't bite on woodson's questions about playing randy moss. in order to be the best, you have to beat the best jokes about mularkey and training camp. MM wants team to win, and he's following MM's lead. end of interview.
  17. quick heads up, but after the commercial break, "former new england patriot" lawyer milloy will be on nfl total access.
  18. i guess we'll all know more on friday night!
  19. From these camp reports that i've been reading, it appears that willis has his burst back. I really can't friggin wait to see what he's made of this season. I'm beginning to get the impression that 10 years from now, we'll all be thanking our lucky stars that he fell to #23, and we'll also be fondly remembering the Great Trade that sent peerless price to atlanta for their pick. I may be getting ahead of myself, but i have a big reason to hope for the spectacular this year. As always, keep the camp reports coming, especially on the play of willis mcgahee.
  20. by the title of the thread i was looking for some mention of a hall of fame worthy football player. oh well, i guess i'll start reading a different thread.
  21. I've got no doubts that losman will be at least an adequate starting QB. He's going to struggle during the beginning of training camp as he works out his first year kinks. Kelly holcomb is not a 16 game starting qb, so KH starting over JP won't really be an issue. Good thing for us that the NFL network will be showing the scrimmage live on friday. we can all set our tivos and critique them afterwards.
  22. I read intently till i got to the part about RJ. I think you have to realize that there are just going to be people on this board who will watch and wait for the first mistake by the starter and then find the first good thing the backup does on the field, only to declare the backup better than the starter. It's a simple formula that you'll just have to learn to live with.
  23. i love the camp pictures too. Maybe someone can make an extra webshots directory called "hot chicks who work for the bills or attend training camp as a spectator".
  24. I wouldn't read too much into this. JP might have said that for a bunch of reasons: --maybe he honestly spoke his feelings --maybe he and/or the rest of the team resented drew bledsoe and his comments about "his" team last year --maybe he was coached into not saying stuff like that joe, i think you hit it on the head with the comment on the defense. This is takeo spikes' team. This is nate clements' team. This most certainly is not trey teague's team, damian shelton's team, or jp losman's team. (eric moulds being the exception--see beige jacket comments later) as for jim kelly's team?? The bills of 1986-1997 were jim kelly's team. Period. End of Story. Next sunday, jp losman, drew bledsoe, and everyone else since jim kelly will be practicing (except for RJ). Jim kelly will be attending a special event, wearing his beige jacket. They don't give those things out to guys who don't take control of their teams. JP losman can call the bills his team when it is his team.
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