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Everything posted by Corp000085

  1. mods, you can merge this with the pinned thread if you see it necessary. My schedule goes something like this: 6am-3:30pm--special ed prek teacher assistant.. that's my job 4-10pm--college to finish my teaching degree... got a year left, yay I went to bed early sunday night, and i've been keeping track of the death, destruction, all the crap with the looting, gas prices, etc. All i can say is it feels like September 11, 2001 all over again. Devestation and human suffering on american soild doesn't sit well with me at all. Anyhow, it honestly just hit me today that this actually happened. Because of my job and my school, i really haven't had time to think. Well, i had 5 minutes today and all i can say is damn. We, as in the blessed people who actually have the ability to read my message now, need to help out as much as we possibly can. The registrar at my elementary school just moved her daughter into a french quarter apartment building the saturday before last. She evacuated back to nc, but her place got leveled... She even saw it on cnn. I am unable to make a monetary donation as i'm broke, but i've already offered help in setting up furniture and stuff like that. It's truly unbelievable what has happened, and the full extent won't be felt or known for years. If you are able, make a donation to a reputible charity, or lend a hand if you're broke, like i did. I guess i just needed to type some things to my internet peeps regarding my feelings. I suppose this is a better forum to vent than sticking my head into a bottle of jack daniels as i did after the terrorist attacks. Anyhow, that's my feelings and i'm sticking to it. Now, ignore the president and start filling up your 5 gallon wal mart gas cans! just kidding... Prices should drop in about a week
  2. Stop... you just made me hit my VHS archives, and now i'm crying.
  3. seriously: --keep your tires at a consistent pressure --drive with your windows up and AC on... It's more efficient to do it this way than the other because of drag caused by the open windows --Make sure your spark plugs are gapped correctly and are in good condition --don't slam on the gas or brake... Use the cruise control as often as possible --Drive in the highest gear comfortable for your car (i.e. if you're going 40mph, shift to 4th and drop your rpms to 2800 instead of leaving it in 3rd at 3900rpms. In your house: --shades drawn --leave AC at a constant temperature... it uses more energy to move along a temperature gradient than it does to maintain a constant temp.
  4. here's the link http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=2145372 Again, its pretty remarkable that the broncos would cut a high draft pick, especially one like clarrett. It's even more remarkable to look at the turn of events that have befallen the broncos, bills, falcons, willis, peerless, and now maurice since the 2003 fiesta bowl.
  5. yes... no wait... no. Yeah, i don't have a clue what it takes to destroy a bank vault.
  6. I received an e-mail forward from my grandfather telling me not to buy gas on september 1, and declaring september first as National Stick it up their behind day, as it would really screw up the oil companies' supply if nobody in America and Canada bought gas that day. I won't be needing a fillup till the end of september, so this doesn't affect me personally, but it would be interesting as hell if the word actually got out. As for the price going up due to the hurricane? yes, this is absolutely true. It happens all the time when storms hit anywhere in the oil supply route. Oil companies use any type of excuse to raise rates. Get gas tonight, or purchase a hydrogen fuel cell car tomorrow morning. (i saw a show on bio diesel, and animal fat fuel... it was the "30-days episode on fx where the people lived on a hippie commune. I'm not too much of a gorp eating, tree hugging hippie, but the alternative fuels discussed in that show were quite interesting)
  7. If he comes out and plays well on his first series, drives, and either scores or sets up a score, he'll probably play only one or two series. If he plays crappy, i think he'll play the half. It's not just JP though... If the entire offensive line gets subbed out, so will JP. It just depends on how well they play. This game will be a final practice and confidence builder.
  8. thanks for bringing back great memories, joe!
  9. Yes, that is what the guy doing the pats game said on the broadcast of last night's game on NFL network. Apparently this means three things: 1) The tour de france is the canadian version and is second fiddle to some other grander bike race 2) Doug Flutie is the most dominant pro football player ever, transcending the sport as only Michael Jordan, Mohammed Ali, and Tiger Woods have ever done in their respective sports. 3) The pats announcer is a Flutopian who's been overcome by Flutie Magic.
  10. based on what i heard last night, i think the gameplan was honestly to experiment with the playbook. Simply looking at the first two games compared to the third, there was a HUGE difference in offensive production. I said it in another post but i'll say it again here... I'm dissapointed in the production last night but i'm far from worried about it.
  11. at least he didn't blame everyone else, like many quarterbacks do. It seems like the very best quarterbacks blame themselves when blame is deserved. JP might have sucked last night, but he is showing that he's making great strides in becoming the undisputed leader of this team.
  12. Disclaimer: I "watched" the game via the play by play through the chat room last night till halftime. With that being said, i'm VERY pleased that the starting defense finally carried the starting offense. In the other two games, the o was pretty productive as well as the d. I think that the offense playing so far beyond putrid, that it will give a good lesson for MM to teach. I'll watch the replay later, but i can tell you right now, we're going to have a top 3 defense again, and our offense is either holding back on their plays, or they've shown that they're going to be extremely streaky. From what i saw with the no huddle, all the cutesie dump off passes and all the turnovers, was that they were experimenting with the playbook. Hopefully they'll be able to iron out their differences in two weeks. In summary, this game will show how good of a coach MM really is. He can either go with what he saw, ala gregg williams, or try to fix it by september 11th. All in all though, it wasn't too bad though! If this were a reg. season game, i think the bills would have probably won.
  13. thanks for the chat... i "watched" till halftime.
  14. yes. It's called "The Great White Challenge". Rules are simple: Drink 1 gallon of whole milk without throwing up. Time limit: 60 minutes. Winner: Receives community pot Losers: Clean up duty and/or buy next case of beer. I've tried it 3 times, and thrown up 3 times. However, i've never done it under optimal circumstances (i.e. being sober, having a small amount of food in your stomach, proper diet/being regular for a couple days beforehand)
  15. welcome, and may i be the first to say that your team sucks, and they're about to be defeated by the greatest team in the land tomorrow night. With that being said, sorry to hear about your quarterback. Things looked not too dark for you guys before that injury. Speaking of grossman, i'd love to save face here and be able to produce some links of pictures of Allison Grossman. Help a brother out! Anyhow, don't forget yhour password, cause we might get you guys in the super bowl in like 5 years. By the way, who would you pick in a game? Bears vs. God? My pick would be with God, but it would be in overtime. Bears vs. a hurricane, with the stipulation that the hurricane's name is Hurricane Ditka? Da Bearssssssss.
  16. Lindell. To a lesser degree, mcgahee.
  17. -5gmt Since we're in daylight savings, the 12-hr notation is hr:min EDT, not EST... This takes into acount the +1 hr for DST. Right now, we're 4 hours behind GMT, but our zone is still -5GMT. Confusing??? Well, try going from kelvin to farenheit and that should screw with your mind some more!
  18. You might as well duck and cover! I'll agree that holcomb is more of a pocket passer than jp, but holcomb is a career backup. JP has upside. I'd rather have an unconventional guy who has upside than a "normal" guy who is "ok" at best. Think Dominik Hasek
  19. what?? did i hear that Mr. Fuji is back managing The Ugandan Giant, Kamala?
  20. oh god... the home makeover guys are anointing bledsoe like he's hasek playing for the 99 sabres.
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