frez, i agree. I am also very bored watching this team this year... Any team can score 21 in the first half, but only special teams score 21 in the 3rd or 4th quarter. This team is weak, soft, and full of babies. Eric moulds, leader, calls out his QB, only for him to be replaced by a middle school math teacher with a soft arm. TKO, our uninspiring leader (crazy, and very good, but has yet to perform in the clutch) gets injured. Posey, the player-coach, sucks. Sam adams takes plays off. Willis opens his mouth like moulds. I say get rid of them all and start over. Especially someone like moulds. Yeah yeah, he's been here for a while and put up numbers, but i'm sick of his little p***y attitude he has, and the stupid penalties he gets. I think if this team had someone, anyone, with balls enough to speak up on the refs, playcalling, or to simply appologize for their crappy play, and someone to step up on either D or O line, this team would be ready to play. Till that happens, we'll be soft, beatable, start your backup goalie against us, type of team.