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Everything posted by Corp000085

  1. In regards to conduct detrimental to the team, what is the penalty that the NFLPA agreed to when it signed the CBA? 4 games? That's what owens is receiving, now STFU.
  2. I had a similar experience with SoCo. My freshman year of college, we decided to down shots and play playstation. Well, i did my naive 12-15 shots in about 20 minutes thinking "this stuff is weak, i'm a champ". Well, when i drove my car under a bridge with flashing lights in need for speed, it hit me. The rest of the story involves a community washing machine, vomit, urine soaked clothing, 2 days of bedrest and a 20 gallon drum of water. This was in october 1997, and the thought of it just made me gag as i was typing this... I haven't even attempted to smell that awful stuff since. as for the gin, gibleys is about the worst stuff you can buy. If you can make a good gin and tonic with tanqueray or bombay saphire with a fresh lime, i think you'll be good to go.
  3. yeah there would have been a massive deal had the score been tied or the sabres down by a goal. Unfortunately, with the sabres winning big, that giant screw-up/screwjob by the refs will be swept under the rug.
  4. Boo-Ya, Fo'Shizzle. LA, you're cooler than the other side of the pizillow.
  5. watch the movie "Windtalkers" http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0245562/
  6. This game will benefit the Redskins. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=2220219
  7. 2 million americans fought in world war I, today, eight, yes eight receive disability benefits. Estimates range from only 12-50 WWI vets remain alive. It's unbelievable what time can do to a group of people. eight... Wonder if any of those eight would be willing to speak to kayne west, TO, or alec baldwin? http://www.cnn.com/2005/US/11/11/vanishing...s.ap/index.html
  8. Guys, i'd just like you to know that its not your fault. I love each and every one of you, but for me this is the right decisyisdad9f7007897904r09[wer4h;ioyper
  9. isn't he the league leader? that would be like leaving manning off the list last year.
  10. I wish him well, however this leads the door open for the bills coaching staff to screw up the obvious hole in the chiefs attack (see past examples of the falcons and saints with their 92 missing starting defensive backs). edit: when will a real news agency pick this story up?
  11. drew rosenhaus is crazy... i hope willis fires this clown after the TO thing is over.
  12. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=2216075 TO is a misguided crybaby, Tom Benson truly has no heart. What a jerk he is. The saints not only have a free ride in new orleans, but also get a large payoff from the state, and this clown wants to move? I'll thank my lucky stars that my team's owner is not Tom Benson.
  13. a great way to sidestep the CBA's mandate on a four game maximum suspension.
  14. Imagine when TO recovers from his cancer and plays the first game back on sunday night football... I can hear joe, mike, and paul and i can see the opponent worshiping TO as a golden god returning from his cancer!
  15. I'm with you on that. I'll never give up, no matter what. Neither should the bills. With that said, let Holcomb be a backup and let JP be the starter for the remainder of the season, with the only exception being injury.
  16. This thread gives me the opportunity to call out Don Mexico... You think you're as good as your older brother Ron, but it looks like you have a lot to learn.
  17. frez, i agree. I am also very bored watching this team this year... Any team can score 21 in the first half, but only special teams score 21 in the 3rd or 4th quarter. This team is weak, soft, and full of babies. Eric moulds, leader, calls out his QB, only for him to be replaced by a middle school math teacher with a soft arm. TKO, our uninspiring leader (crazy, and very good, but has yet to perform in the clutch) gets injured. Posey, the player-coach, sucks. Sam adams takes plays off. Willis opens his mouth like moulds. I say get rid of them all and start over. Especially someone like moulds. Yeah yeah, he's been here for a while and put up numbers, but i'm sick of his little p***y attitude he has, and the stupid penalties he gets. I think if this team had someone, anyone, with balls enough to speak up on the refs, playcalling, or to simply appologize for their crappy play, and someone to step up on either D or O line, this team would be ready to play. Till that happens, we'll be soft, beatable, start your backup goalie against us, type of team.
  18. nice knowing you! i'll be there next sunday and every sunday from now till oblivion!
  19. I think the order of the day goes like this: Concerned about-- 1) the obviously slanted refs 2) The dominating performance of the bills offense 3) the missed block that allowed holcomb to get sacked and fumble 4) The awful announcers.
  20. forward lateral? Just give it to them? 5 and 8 years respectively? That game was so corrupted that it didn't even piss me off like that raiders game did. We lost the raiders game cause the bills played terrible, which pissed me off. We lost the pats game cause of outside circumstances that the bills could not control... nothing to get angry over.
  21. NE used a timeout... maybe with bruschi's psychic powers that he got as a result of the stroke saw a long TD pass to moulds.
  22. the bills are geared around mcgahee like the transmission is geared around the pope's 1976 ford escort.
  23. mcgahee is really running hard here tonight!
  24. parrish is FAST.
  25. pass was getting pro bowl numbers tonight... good thing he got hurt.
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