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Everything posted by Corp000085

  1. down 2-1 late in the third, kotalik with a game tying goal with 2:00 left... afinogenov wins it in overtime on a power play. I hate making threads over here regarding the sabres, but damn... what a finish from a crappy start of the game.
  2. The Sabres... I also watch to see the packers collapse with brett favre... I remember jim kelly 1996, and favre 2005 is much worse than kelly 96.
  3. Well, if you had to ask, it was nice knowing you...
  4. Blue Uniforms... Seriously though, what would happen if the Bears played God? My vote would be with god, but it would be in overtime.
  5. which of course brings me to my next two points: 1) When all else fails, and you can't feel any worse about your Buffalo Bills, just remember Ronnie Harmon! 2) Germans love David Hasselhoff.
  6. geez... i was going to check this thread again tomorrow to see if anyone fell for it... I accidentally hit the refresh button though and was rewarded with my first catch, just minutes after my funny.
  7. i bet reuben brown knows the truth.
  8. So, its save to assume that TD is gone after this year, which means a new coach... I'll throw out marv levy. sure he's 80, but he's a winner and in good health. Now, give some suggestions other than levy... oh yeah, and since we're all experts here, who's going to be the GM and/or exec vice president next year (i'll assume that ralph doesn't give out the president title anymore)
  9. 8 plenty of money to sign a 2nd tier LT
  10. navy owes me a blue
  11. 1) JP to lee looked great 2) willis got his 1000 yards 3) the defense looks much better 4 we don't have to franchise nate anymore 5 higher draft pick 6 lindell was perfect again today
  13. they can never take away your boobs, if you catch my drift...
  14. maybe as INTERIM head coach... no way does this guy have the health to be a head coach.
  15. we already have a guy named debrickshaw. he wears #22
  16. worst loss in team history?? i can think of four wose losses.
  17. remember the old SNL skit with phil hartman playing charlton heston playing robert thorn?? TOM DONAHOE IS PEOPLE!!
  18. judges wear bikinis
  19. mcgee retursn to the 40 or so... reported by criqui as mcgahee... its going to be a long day with this clown.
  20. go bills.
  21. what would darwin do?
  22. leinhart in the wind=pennington
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