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Everything posted by Corp000085

  1. channel 766 on directv nhl center ice... go to tsr
  2. i have heard that he prefers dick, so yes.
  3. well lombardi couldn't accomplish much with shell marino 99 at qb
  4. imagine the crowd reaction if donahoe is lead out of the stadium by security in the 3rd quarter after going down to the sidelines...
  5. someone spilled coffee on corey dillon. that's a positive...
  6. well, the sabres do play the vikings later...
  7. in that case, we need scott to change the banner to TD.
  8. that is funny.. i got a kick out of the miroslav satan answer...
  9. the pixyland guy reports that it was indeed Bonnie Tyler's "total eclipse of the heart"
  10. well it was either that or come up here and remind myself of what's to come tomorrow...
  11. well hopefully the AP source is annonymous from detroit
  12. yes yes, i got sucked into watching an EOE E$BN movie, but i will be the first to say that it was much better than last year's post heisman "3". Can't we all remember the "ALL I WANT TO DO IS RACE, DADDY!!" gem? This movie was no godfather, but it was also no throw momma from the train either. Anyhow, since its the holiday season, i'll be the first to fess up and admit that i watched tonight.
  13. me too. I remember buying CDs and looking at the vhs movies in the 90's at the transit store when it opened. Did a lot of browsing because it was fun to do. Too bad, so sad though. wonder what they'll convert that store into next year?
  14. I used to go to YMCA Camp Weona as a child and as a young adult (camper and counselor respectively). The land for the camp was originally seneca (i believe... its been a while) indian land, which was donated to the buffalo Y. There are a lot of spooky stories there, however none spooks me more than the one that can't even be explained: anyhow, as you walk down the main road to one of the villages with cabins, you go around a bend and up a small hill. At the top of the hill is the village and there's a light on a lightpole. Because of the mountains (the camp is in gainesville, ny), that small hill, and the light, there's a fog that's created. Anyways, none of the dozens of dead indian/lost camper/attica escape stories got to me... That 100 feet from complete pitch black to the top of the hill where i could see the cabins was and still is the scariest place i've ever been to in my entire life. It's the same in the daylight. It's scary to me, its scary to everyone who's ever been there. The feeling i get is that of an overwelming feeling that someone is watching me and walking behind me. It's scary with my eyes open, with them shut, with a flashlight, without one. It's scary alone and its scary with people. It's just scary and i can't explain why. I'm sure someone can second my thought if they've ever been to weona. now on with my ringing endorsement of the place: send your kids to YMCA camp weona... I grew up there and i love it to this day. edit: now that i have brought this subject up, if there are any other weona alumni on the wall right now, send me a PM... i'd love to share some more stories (there's more where that one came from)
  15. maybe ralph asked eric to be his presenter in august. This week off will give eric time to perfect his public speaking performance.
  16. you want ugly... imagine that broncos game if the bills find a way to lose tomorrow
  17. well, after reading 3 replies and skipping over to the reply button, i can see that whomever the regular was who registered as red dragon a couple months ago has just reeled in 2 pages of fish.
  18. I saw worst breakfast and i had to put in my vote for this gem: From Denney's, The Big Texas Chicken Fajita Skillet. One nasty pile of crap... picture garbage plate but without the burgers and good hot sauce, but add denneys eggs and crappy chicken.
  19. as i made mention in another thread, there's a good reason why moulds was suspended, we'll never know the full situation, and there's an even better reason why moulds isn't raising hell over it.
  20. Terell Owens?? Not to compare the guy to hitler, but time did have hitler as its man of the year. Give it to TO for some controversy, not the world's biggest bandwagon team leader. (or would that title go to manchester united? i know absolutely nothing about organized pro soccer)
  21. yeah, its highly doubtful... This is the buffalo bills, not the CIA. I think we can all agree that he'll be at least fired as GM by the beginning of next season.
  22. Goalie situation in my eyes: Miller is the starter, no matter what. Before the injury, biron's stock was equal to that of benny anderson on the trade block (that's zero folks). Since the injury, i believe the plan was to play marty and mika and hold the fort till miller came back. Now, marty is playing great (save last night's game... he played crappy in the beginning), however that does not change the situation. Miller WILL be the starter, marty still WILL be traded. The only difference is that marty is worth possibly a middle to high draft pick and/or a player instead of a bag of pucks.
  23. guys, there is no bottom line for us... we don't know exactly what happened. For all we know, mularkey and wilson handled it perfectly... We'll never know exactly what happened, and we shouldn't. The only thing that i can answer for certain is that moulds is acting like a respected vet should if he gets himself suspended. After all, he could be pulling a TO.
  24. no he doesn't stay up at nights thinking of ways to beat sellar dwellars, however, he WILL play flutie if the game gets out of hand and/or the crowd gets heavily on the bills. Think about it, if the situation was 180 degrees in the other direction, would you play flutie against the pats to rub salt into their wounds if the game were out of hand? I sure would.
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