I think i stated this in another thread, but i'm willing to write off the 2005 season for MM, but at the same time, i'm not willing to give the guy an extra inch in 2006. I think i posted that, i don't know... it was a long night of posting stuff and watching that PSU game.
Anyhow, for all we know, MM is a great coach... Hell, the guy still turned around a team that was 0-4 into a team that was one bad QB and a missed 28 yard field goal away from the playoffs last year. For all we know, which honestly isn't much, MM was hamstrung by TD. Sure, its his call to have fired rusty jones, to hire clements and to keep gray, but this was TD's team, like it or not. With Levy, sam wyche, and a reinvigorated Ralph Wilson standing behind him, MM will have no choice but to coach a great football game.
The big question mark is whom was really responsible for the putrid drafting the last few years. If it was TD and modrak was the one being shut out, then we might be ok. If it was Modrak who was in charge while TD was the one to come up with the spin and setting up the hot dog stands at st. john fisher, then we're screwed.