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Everything posted by Corp000085

  1. its running here... hopefully i'll be able to watch it on espnnews though
  2. way to make me cheer and cry at my work computer!
  3. Don't know, but look for the "Breaking News: Bills fire Donahoe" on the ESPNNews scroller till 10pm. edit: I'd assume that nfl n etwork and espnnews would carry it live. I remember watching the "Bills release bledsoe, promote JP" news conference last year being carried live, and in its entirety on nfl network.
  4. http://www.buffalobills.com/team/office.jsp I'm not a regular surfer of bb.com, in the front office page, TD does not have a link to his bio page. I believe it was there before, but again, i haven't been to that site in at least 8 months.
  5. how could i forget this one? I think that wherever TD surfaces next, we should all mail him a book of stamps. $7.50 for a worthy cause of showing an arrogant prick not to !@#$ with us!
  6. I think i stated this in another thread, but i'm willing to write off the 2005 season for MM, but at the same time, i'm not willing to give the guy an extra inch in 2006. I think i posted that, i don't know... it was a long night of posting stuff and watching that PSU game. Anyhow, for all we know, MM is a great coach... Hell, the guy still turned around a team that was 0-4 into a team that was one bad QB and a missed 28 yard field goal away from the playoffs last year. For all we know, which honestly isn't much, MM was hamstrung by TD. Sure, its his call to have fired rusty jones, to hire clements and to keep gray, but this was TD's team, like it or not. With Levy, sam wyche, and a reinvigorated Ralph Wilson standing behind him, MM will have no choice but to coach a great football game. The big question mark is whom was really responsible for the putrid drafting the last few years. If it was TD and modrak was the one being shut out, then we might be ok. If it was Modrak who was in charge while TD was the one to come up with the spin and setting up the hot dog stands at st. john fisher, then we're screwed.
  7. well i know one TSWer who just started to cry
  8. what he said. There's plenty of coordinators who will want to come to buffalo. It's not like there's a major talent gap between them and other teams. This could be a really good team. they just need some direction... Maybe freeing the bonds of TD will be that direction... maybe marv coming in will be that direction... Maybe the realization that ralph wilson is not senile will be the direction. Either way, i'd take mm, tom modrak and potentially levy over the status quo that was last week.
  9. that was one hell of a throw and catch by PSU at the end of the half...
  10. I hope so too, but think about it this way: mularkey is on a short leash, with a new set of coordinators who don't suck... No more TD, for all we know, could have hamstrung MM's coaching... Marv as a "consultant" and oh by the way, an available hall of fame head coach if MM puts roscoe in at QB again... And ralph with the whip ready. If, and this is a huge if, mularkey shows that he can be a real head coach, i won't hold this past season against him... sorta like ruff and regier back when the rigas thing was going down. However, i also will NOT give him an inch next year.
  11. marv would obviously be plan b, and RW, ML, and MM all know it, so MM better not F up!
  12. fezmid, if you're basing the coverage on the commercials, then the sabres have the worst in the league. Hurt in a car?
  13. i forgot about the PR mistakes... Calling me a jerk deserves to get your @ss fired!
  14. TD burned a lot of bridges while he was here. he made hiring mistakes, personnel mistakes, and drafting mistakes. Did he sell all those seats or did the general economic trend of the nfl in the 2000's sell those seats? that's a question for tomorrow. I seriously could write a book on TD's negatives. I'm sure i can write some positives, but it will have to wait for another day.
  15. did he land on dick road, genesee or the actual runway?
  16. the only thing i can gather, from tonight's events EOM=end of meeting. am i close?
  17. my brother got the dead at rich stadium in 89 on dvd. watched part of it and it was pretty good.
  18. is that a swingline or boston stapler?
  19. frank reich for team chaplain
  20. if the game's not on espnnews, then i'm not watching it. just kidding...
  21. circling the wagons... Jerry gray was a member of the 1992 houston oilers, and was beaten badly on beebe's out-of-bounds TD. Jan 3, 1993-Jan 3, 2006... two anniversaries of being screwed by the bills, jerry!
  22. what about hojo and woodie?? These guys have made 2 hall of fame speeches!
  23. so, johnny reporter, if your sources are so accurate then when the frig is this meeting going to end??
  24. if you're right, please get a high quality, full screen image of your avatar to us, ASAP! hell, hook us up even if you're wrong.
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