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Everything posted by Corp000085

  1. rose bowl is on now... nothing like listening to keith jackson.
  2. haslett, martz, etc.. established guys will be broght in because they'd be promoted if MM screws up. (or they'd get a cushy job somewhere else if they do manage to turn around the bills)
  3. long winded, pissed off, old, and either allowing many freudian slips, or just mental slips. He was quite angry at our boy jerry sullivan... As for the prozac talk, it was just an antecdote regarding the depressing season that the bills had. I doubt he's really on prozac.
  4. The Black Bear reports that The Black Bear is alive and well!
  5. this thread makes no sense... It is a simple timeline of the facts in chronological order. My mind cannot make sense of this!
  6. leave your stamps so that marv can wipe his hall of fame ass with them.
  7. i did that last night, but the D&C doesn't update till about 5am
  8. Frez, i went to mount union college for two years before transfering... A little history of mount football. Since 1993, the team has lost exactly one, yes one regular season game, and has only lost a couple times in the D-III playoffs. Their head coach, larry kehris (sp?) is the winningest coach in NCAA history (0.950 appx. winning %). I loved watching the clinics that they held on saturday afternoons, however i'm always one to see david take out goliath. Texas tonight.
  9. i don't get into college ball too much, but i've bought the hype for this game. Although, i probably won't make it to halftime. that friggin orange bowl last night killed me today
  10. TD is gone... Look at the sabres after satan left. Addition by subtraction. If anything, its entertaining as hell... We couldn't have made this crap up yesterday at noon.
  11. Levy's name is on the rundown for the tossup segment... Should be on in the next 5 minutes on ESPN.,
  12. golly, i wonder who that would be?
  13. I'm enjoying myself... This is possibly the most exciting day in bills history since the faitful monday after the bills spanked the colts in the meaningless home finale in january 2000
  14. or that the next GM has prior coaching experience
  15. maybe that explains the WGR claim of marv landing at prior.
  16. any update from someone watching local tv? The link at buffalobills.com is currently dead for the realaudio stream of the PC. Hopefully the thing starts at 5:30 and not 5:15
  17. I'm no doctor, but Sharon looks pretty well screwed.
  18. I'd rather be at ralph's mercy than Tom Jerk Donahoe.
  19. off to buffalo
  20. Can he handle the stress headaches though? Also, will he be able to get off a night in march to wipe his ass with a maple leafs jersey?
  21. What reporter with credibility actually comes out and blames the fans? You read that crap on a geocities bills webpage, not ESPN.
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