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Everything posted by Corp000085

  1. maybe now that he's gone, we won't have a problem getting coaches and free agents. Hell, we haven't had a coach since Wade Phillips.
  2. Grant Fuhr, Pat LaFontaine, Jim Kelly. Fuhr was the reason why i picked up a goalie stick when i was about 10... We're both lefties, so i thought that was neat.
  3. but he sure could "read" a defense!
  4. i'll take skeletons for $800 alex.
  5. but the ref clearly had his eyes on bebee's feet
  6. its definitely not a regional ad. I've seen it here in NC, in y-town ohio, and in buffalo. Its a great commercial though. Shows everyone what its truly like to be a DIE HARD bills fan who's blood is red white and blue.
  7. well, i guess he'll have to prove that this year, since pennington is not his QB anymore
  8. i don't understand the chub that this guy creates. Herm edwards has been the 3rd to 4th best coach in the AFC east since he got the job.
  9. I remember reading about warren moon's children receiving death threats after the comeback game... I believe he mentions removing his kids from the school on the NFL films comeback program (the 1.5hr program)
  10. seriously, would anyone with anything more than a cinder block for a brain go get arrested THE DAY that he declares for the draft and essentially guarentees himself at least $500,000/year? At least he isn't as dumb as len bias was though.
  11. ESPNNews reports that he was arrested last night for something to do with a firearm... Maybe pulling it on someone. Either way, he was arrested in VA last night. Link to follow... update: http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/news/story?id=2285819
  12. I'll THINK like willis THOUGHT on 3rd and short.
  13. also one of the most underachieving. someone needs to edit that in
  14. just like any backup (holcombholcombholcomb) would
  15. its pretty low to mock someone who committed suicide... but its lower to martyr someone who committed suicide, which is what will happen if the colts make it. go steelers (to spite TD of course) or broncos!
  16. i sincerely hope that the pats not only don't win the super bowl, but don't even make it. The legacy of the 90's bills is shaky at best in the nation, outside of buffalo... It would only be diminished if the pats make it to the bowl. With that being said, they can beat the colts and broncos. Whomever the pats opponent is next week better be ready.
  17. lucky for us, TE was a priority when Marv was the coach.
  18. willie mcginist tops bruce smith on the all time playoff sack list. 15.5 to 14.5
  19. i can't remember... was it del rio who swung it or was it a self inflicted injury by the player?
  20. give del rio some credit... he is the guy who almost cut his punter's leg off with an axe in the locker room.
  21. amazingly enough, the QB without the broken leg is getting off some nice passes. too bad its all garbage stats now.
  22. i second that... RJ played his butt off in that game, and it was a game that i was proud that he wore my team's colors. unfortunately, the special teams blew it and that was one of five great games that RJ played with the bills for 3 years.
  23. the jags qb mirrors ours from 1997-present
  24. millen is still there because its a conspiracy to get brett favre 2 wins per season
  25. well, mcghinist is within one sack of bruce's playoff record
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