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Everything posted by Corp000085

  1. oh come on man!! witty/thought provoking posts cannot be made before 8:00am!! on a serious note though, i agree. If there's a choice between sherman and jauron, you'd pick sherman 99 out of 100 times. However, that 1% is only picked for the special circumstance that jauron has personal ties to the administration. That 1% scares the you know what out of me. I do hope that marv makes the right call here. He may not be the coach now, but anything he does in pro football from here on out tarnishes his HOF legacy. Don't tarnish it with Jauron.
  2. I want sherman for two reasons: 1) when i say his name, i actually can see a face to go along with it. 2) i don't cringe. After Greggggggggg, and MM, that's the only criteria i ask for!
  3. Is it serious serious, or just LAMP serious?
  4. oh come on... the game is on abc/disney/espn... They'll still give that 2 hour feel good story about bruschi. Teary interview with wife, missed backfield tackle on roscoe, flying flip in the dolphin game, tedy preaching to his children. You watch, it will be there!
  5. how serious of a matter is it?
  6. Tell me... I have the VIN to his taurus. I'll slip it under the windshield wiper blade.
  7. pros playing and the non-live coverage ruins it for me. I'd rather watch hockey on grainy CBC or off of an NBC b-channel than watch the "live" crap in primetime.
  8. I didn't realize that he was only 51. i thought he was in his late 60s. They better hire this guy on the spot, but only if he'll work with Chuck Lester.
  9. I think Bobby April qualifies as a minority candidate because he is a good coach with the Buffalo Bills.
  10. We've all been there and done that when it comes to being a fan through all the losing. We've also been there and done that when it comes to being consistently good. Now, I just want a super bowl win so i can have something to tell my grandkids about.
  11. If that's the case, then stevestojan is close to the cavemen, simply because they both get geico paychecks.
  12. Haven't they already interviewed or contacted gray for the job? He'd count as the token interview.
  13. NEXT HEAD COACH!! My source, with red hair and the initials SB has told me that Joe will be the next head coach of the buffalo bills! Just Kidding But, i did see this on the front of TBD: He's apparently free of cancer. AWESOME news for joe and his family. http://www.syracuse.com/sportsflash/footba...ylist=syr_bills
  14. Sherman as HC with hasslet as DC. I could live with that. I do think that has needs to be brought into this organization. With sherman as HC, he'd probably last 3 or 4 years because of age and he could leave the HC for hasslet. I'm not impressed at JH because of his stint in NO, however, the guy WANTS to be here coaching. That cannot be understated enough. With him as a DC, he'd be here, plus he'd have to earn the HC position. That's the best case scenario. Just no jauron though!!
  15. I believe its the arena lighting. The ice has overlit spots and underlit spots.
  16. somewhere, somehow, Ray Lewis is sharpening a blade for that comment.
  17. that reminds me of the nfl greatest games of the packers/broncos super bowl. a couple players (including favre) made a comment on how elway can have it cause brett et al. will have plenty more. never take anything for granted.
  18. He was right, and THEY were wrong for calling him on it.
  19. sounds like the rules committee will be busy in march
  20. looking at that visual orgasm makes me love the graphicless minus the avatars TSW
  21. yeah, and my name is Harold Johnson.
  22. oh good.. that is a good point... i was going to say man. otto graham? bad? pass me that sh-- edit: its sunday. i'm having a hard time processing information
  23. so, what ar eyou saying? otto graham was bad? didn't he win like 15 NFL championships??
  24. peyton's very own metro leather glove/slipper commercial coming soon.
  25. i'll take the guy with the rings... in 25 years, if peyton has rings, i'll take him... if not, i'm sticking with brady
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