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Everything posted by Corp000085

  1. Reebok... They're based in nazi germany.. maybe you've heard of them
  2. why'd you pick jauron with a losing record over sherman with a good record.
  3. the $1million question was asked. levy--difference in records don't matter. levy came in, shanahan came in, and belichek came in with a losing record. Sherman had better personnel. Giving excuses for bears losing record.... playing at the U of I. Sherman's good years came before he lost his personnel. Levy had an open mind to all candidates. Put to bed the jauron and levy cronyism. Very open minded into all cnadidates.
  4. what did he say about shoop?
  5. James Bond Stockdale? You can't make this stuff up folks.
  6. Yeah... it has been noted unofficially that ralph has some "on" days and some "off" days... I think we can all conclude that today is an "off" day
  7. wow. just got the e-mail... as marv introduced him.
  8. "closely guarded secret" marv=soprano
  9. thank god... ralph is leaving the podium.
  10. just confirmed with marv if it was monday or not... again, i'm not making this up
  11. Every losing season that the bills have is $$ off the top of the total franchise value. I have no absolute fact to prove my next statement, so just go with me: It costs more to ralph wilson and his family to have a cheap staff who loses than to have an expensive staff and to win. Winning makes money, no matter how much it costs. Losing loses money, no matter how little you put into it. Basically, the conspiracy theory is just a stupid grasp. Hell, maybe they hired Jauron cause he's THE BEST CANDIDATE FOR THE BILLS! I mean, he's a defensive mind... Our defense sucks, and gray is leaving. Perhaps he's going to bring in a good OC to run the offense (or wyche is the guy). I had a bad taste on this hire last night because it was down to sherman and the other guy, with the other guy getting the nod. Today, i'm fine with it. Hell, the defense sure will improve from last year. This is the guy who put brian urlacher on the map.
  12. An unidentified voice mentioned "the message board" and "conspiracy theory" just now in the background. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=40347 they're quoting that thread almost word for word. Looks like the joke's on soprano, as we're the insiders now!
  13. considering that the bills have not lost any games between the jets game and today, i'd vote some other time.
  14. http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=...&action=history there's the history page. Someone can do some ip address searching...
  15. that would be high profile, however, it would mean a return to the west coast offense. I'm fairly certain that the west coast offense is not in the best interests of the bills and their unpolished QB right now.
  16. he doesn't look like a fat slob, manboob uglysweater, or a washed up baseball typcast actor either. that's 3 more non-negatives.
  17. well he's the coach now, so i'm at least going to give the guy his honeymoon. I mean, come on... we can at least hear what he has to say at the PC tomorrow. maybe sullivan et al will actually ask some difficult questions as to why jauron was chosen over sherman.
  18. ok ok, time for a break from the headache of reading how you've all given up on the bills. The seahawks are up 27-7 on the panthers right now, and they're pretty much rolling. Super bowl XL looks to be good with the steelers probably taking on the seahawks, unless they royally choke. I'd be scared to play the hawks right now!
  19. i don't want anyone from t he jets offense. Any coach who puts their job on the line for chad pennington can just stay away
  20. you people are ridiculous. if you don't like the bills now, then STFU and put your season tickets back into the pool. i'll gladly pick them up. You jumped off the bandwagon all on your own, but i promise you, i'll be there to kick you off if you try to get back on.
  21. I'm cool with jauron as head coach. Sherman would have been good for his "name", but he did get fired after only one bad year. Something must have not jived in GB. Also, even if sherman was the best coach, but jauron would work better with marv, then i say go with jauron. I simply cannot formulate an opinion on jauron yet, and i probably won't till training camp
  22. now maybe we know why capers and the guy from the colts was interviewed on friday. capers--dc guy from colts--oc ?
  23. Ok, hopefully this thread will be informative so we can all collaberate on the positives and negatives of dick jauron. Yada yada yada we want sherman yada yada yada... Well, Dick Jauron is the new head coach of the bills, so get used to it. All i really know about jauron is that he was the interim coach last year of the lions and he had one 13-3 year with the bears. What do you all know about this guy, cause i certainly don't know enough to formulate an opinion (one reason why i'm not too bummed or excited about this hire)
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