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Everything posted by Corp000085

  1. I figured that i'd be ok, but i didn't want to get there and be the only one wearing color. Looks like i don't have to change. I just always feel bad for the one token guy who's not dressed up to everyone else's level... I don't ever want to be that guy.
  2. There's a viewing for our former guidance counselor in about two hours from now. Currently, i'm wearing my khaki pants and a gray sweater, with a dress shirt under it. This is what i wore to school today. I'm the only guy who is going from my school. Is this ok, or should i have the full suit for the viewing? It's at a funeral home, with the formal funeral being held tomorrow at a united methodist church. I'll be doing the black suit then, but should i wear it tonight too, or is what i described appropriate/non offensive? edit: oh yeah, this is the first set of services i've attended since i was 8, so i do not have the previous knowledge of what to wear. Also, she was an upbeat person who died of cancer. She was very happy about being let go of the pain, so i'm thinking that a paul bearer-all black look is less appropriate than what i'm wearing now
  3. Don't worry. The NHL will find that gretzky had nothing to do with it. Wayne will divorce that crook janet jones, and all will be forgotten. Nevermind the FBI evidence or the eventual criminal conviction. The Great One's number shall never be worn again by a Buffalo Sabre!
  4. i'd love directions from the fayetteville region (i.e. from the i-40). I've only really beein to raleigh once, but we plan on spending the morning and afternoon around town before the game.
  5. Well we're all in different sections! i'll wear a bills hat or something to go with my new sabres hoodie
  6. I know there's plenty of us who live in NC. I'm going to the game on sunday sitting in section 228. i'm pretty jacked up over this, so i'm wondering if anyone else was planning on going. A TBD hockey tailgate would be sweet.
  7. Any word on why michaels is NOT going to continue? Could it have to do with the fixed super bowl? I could see him as being very upset that he was put in the position to call what amounted to be a fixed match.
  8. oh for the love of god.. don't bring up tom brady till at least august.
  9. I say who cares. JP was drafted to be the starting quarterback. If he hasn't established that HIMSELF by the final cutdown day, he will be shown the door. Honestly, who cares who the coach is, if JP sucks, then he's history. No need to drag thingsout.
  10. Next year they need a duet featuring Henry Pendleton and Doug Allen. Now that would be one awesome anthem!
  11. are we talking stature, looks, or the ring that each one did not deserve?
  12. haha, that's awesome. looks like true colors are showing
  13. so its like the whole universe could be in one atom on my fingernail? wow man
  14. first time watching this show and that Katherine Heigl chick is one hot piece. http://swnevecampbell.tripod.com/Women/Kat...rineHeigl01.jpg
  15. Jesus man, that's not a clear title describing your thread... you broke your own rule!
  16. no doubt. those three are hotties too. i loved sandra oh in sideways.
  17. and that's that... i'm officially hooked on gray's anatomy. thank god for tivo.... i hate staying up late on sundays... it completely ruins me for the week
  18. i'd love to be a fly on the wall at that meeting. What a fix job. the "market" is home team's tv market. they are a small market team.
  19. everyone, take a breath.. now, imagine if we were seahawks fans
  20. somewhere, brett hull is smiling.
  21. 14 points were "adjusted" on the scoreboard, with another 7 coming for seattle. The better team made some blunders that were probably aided when they realized they were getting jobbed. As i said before, the 1999 dallas stars have company in the all-asterisk fraternity.
  22. i just vomitted in my mouth. jerome just retired on the podium
  23. Actual Final Score: Seattle 24 Pittsburgh 14 Refs n/a TV Final Score: Seattle 10 Pittsburgh 21 Refs 1
  24. well, i said it the day that Donahoe got fired... I wished pittsburgh the super bowl to spite him, and they've done it. Sure, the game might have been fixed beyond belief, but the end result is that pittsburgh is the champs. Oh well... at least the national media has switched b*tches... from brady to bettis. Tom i hope you enjoyed your 4 year hummer, but now its time to go.
  25. that does it
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