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Everything posted by Corp000085

  1. Well, that's about as good as it gets for the first series...
  2. I'm assuming "clean mode" means a VERY significant reduction in performance and mileage, to the point where the car is an entirely different drive. I have a 2014 Sportwagen, and I could totally see that thing turning into a slug with the push of a button or a computer flash.
  3. Good thing mine is leased and the resale price is locked into contract. Even if the value of the car is zero, I get mine!
  4. Beer goggles.
  5. I concur. They looked like a coached team today. The holding needs to be addressed, but there weren't a bunch of random false starts, they kept Taylor from getting destroyed, and they blocked well enough. Good enough for the first game if you ask me.
  6. Former brave, dead at 60
  7. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/2563973-gerald-christians-quest-to-be-the-most-relevant-mr-irrelevant-there-ever-was Tough break for that kid, but man... I'd love to have that week long party!!!
  8. Excellent analysis. Although Bettman is forever tarnished with no goal.
  9. NFL=FIFA. at the expense of wishing death on Ralph when he did die, had the guy lived another 5 years, the Bills would be devalued enough where Jon Bon Jovi would have been able to afford the devalued Bills. I fear that my teams league is soon to be history, or at least changed forever.
  10. Nope, but I bet Rex, McKelvin, and the doctors have a fair idea.
  11. Terrible analogy... Both of our QBs are right handed.
  12. Nah... The study was conducted vs the general population. Based on the GENERAL POPULATION, players' crime rate is lower. However, a second study of high income vs general population vs nfl player crime rates would be a good follow up study.
  13. Interesting study. Maybe the "fall guy" in the general population is skewing the data... Quick fact: 57.235% of all statistics are made up on the spot.
  14. I guess we'll see if this team improves on its mistakes as the season progresses. That will be the mark of a First Class coaching staff vs. The B Team staff that we've had to watch over the past 15 years.
  15. I guess you can use this as your benchmark or standard: OJ Simpson still has his gold jacket. * *unless it has already been pawned.
  16. Wow. I'm pulling for that guy!
  17. I have that same AC unit!
  18. Quick update... After spending much of my summer with my family blowing cash (the American dream!), I spent the past month or so scouring the local dealerships for bikes. After feeling comfortable, I plunked down on an 07 HD Dyna Super Glide last weekend. I spent the past week getting myself accustomed to the weight and power of the bike. After about 15+ hours, and about 25 miles of figure-eights, starts, and stops all under 10mph, I finally ventured out onto the road this weekend. I'm absolutely hooked. It's pretty wild driving on a bike on the road. I'm still puttering around town on a familiar route, which is OK, but I'm way more confident now than I even was a couple days ago. I really enjoy riding within my limits, and I enjoy practicing that slow stuff because that's what will make me a good rider. Thanks for all the advice earlier this spring in this thread. As for the fat guy on the bike, my bike is a little bigger and my ass is a little smaller than that example above!
  19. First team O looked good. D put pressure, but the Panthers O hasn't really done anything. Thigpen had a couple good returns on the punts. McCoy had a couple good runs. Pass protection was decent. Cassel moved the ball well. Gay sucks at kicking. Clay had a great catch. We'd have moved the ball more had Woods cut up for the first down on that 3rd down pass. All in all, we moved the ball and contained Newton. On that note, Karlos Williams looks great too. He just scored and he had a couple decent runs earlier.
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