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Everything posted by Corp000085

  1. well i have a sony cybershot and a 1 gig memory stick. that's good for one "home video"... now we just need to get lanka in the "studio"
  2. oh well! this loss goes to all the male TBDers.
  3. i just saw a promo for it while i was watching the "scott tennemon must die" episode that recorded last night.
  4. So i guess i'll be the one to ask... Please, for the love of god, Lanka, set up your webcam, take some suggestive/semi-nude/topless/canadian ballet nude pictures and send them along? Pretty please? I've been staring at my homoerotic buffalo sabres calendar for too long!
  5. that dude cut the absolute best promos. RIP indeed.
  6. pic in profile... The moustache and mirobrow is a photoshop addition. i'm about 25 lbs lighter now though, so all you new jersey sweathogs take a seat and let your ladies look at a real man! [/ravishing rick rude]
  7. PROGRAM NOTE: The scientology episode will be shown wednesday night on comedy central. 9pm i believe, but maybe 9:30 or 10... I'll check the guide and update later.
  8. http://www.cnn.com/2006/SHOWBIZ/TV/03/13/s...reut/index.html Don't know if this was already posted, but it is big news. The new season starts soon (maybe this week??) and Matt Stone and Trey Parker are on record for making the shows at last minute to include realtime current events. The show is at its absolute best when its making fun of someone. For a guy who did 150 episodes revolving around mocking jews and mormons, he sure got offended by that scientology episode last october. More proof that scientology is wacko... I wonder when their david koresch is coming. I sure hope its soon. And yes, i'm pissed at scientology. Hayes is just misguided by that wacko trevolta religion.
  9. sabrereport game thread come register and discuss about this awesome team.
  10. i enjoyed the sword related injuries.
  11. they say that buchannan was an alcoholic? not with this picture! http://www.healthinplainenglish.com/presid...es-buchanan.jpg holy crap. he looks worse than keith richards
  12. i saw it. Now that i've seen one episode, i'll watch them all just to see what happens. It seems contrived to me though. The black dad blames everything on racism and takes no personal responsibility for anything. White dad plays the "this can't happen to me, now" role perfectly. Mom's the dumb white chick who drops the n-bomb because it may or may not be socially acceptable to do so. White daughter has a nice rack. Black boy is the most interesting to me. he seems like he'll be the comedy of the show. It's a quite fake and unoriginal show, but its only about 6 episodes, so i can deal with that on a saturday morning... Plus, i don't watch fox or fx for anything so i'm not inundated with ads.
  13. this reminds me of when former mount union starting quarterback and buffalo bills camp fodder Jim Ballard came into the alliance, oh taco bell while i was waiting in line at about 1am on a saturday evening. I had a bills sweatshirt on so he and i talked and he actually bought my tacos for being the only bills fan in town besides him. Moral of the story??? don't move away from buffalo because you'll have to give up your mighty for taco bell.
  14. Hey, that Don Bibbe was a FAST high motor white guy. I think he scored a few TDs too.
  15. ... The worst political criminal to die since Stalin. May God have mercy upon his soul, and may he rot in hell for eternity. http://www.cnn.com/2006/WORLD/europe/03/11...ovic/index.html
  16. if you go to the hall of fame, they have that picture framed and on display in one of the rooms. (at least it was on display as of 2 years ago) It's truly an awesome photograph.
  17. you want heart? check out the sabres today at 2pm. http://www.sabresreport.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=1739
  18. too bad i doin't have the time to look through the archives, but about 6 months ago, there was a stellar thread discussing man love towards stamer's biceps and ripped chest. We're all metrosexual, some of us are just more metro than the rest.
  19. i don't know about you, but i believe that if ralph is the reason why this deal isn't getting done, then he's a genius and possibly the greatest asset to the NFL since maybe george halas. By forcing a fair system of revenue sharing, the league will save itself from implosion.
  20. here's the game thread link at sabresreport.com we engage in a lengthy bitchfest over those announcing clowns. http://www.sabresreport.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=1550
  21. If and when this new CBA gets ratified, and it is favorable to the smaller revenue teams, this will yet again be a hall of fame credential to ralph wilson. On sportscenter, i heard mort describing how it was symbolic that jerry and ralph were walking in the hotel together. Then he described how ralph was getting pissed at jerry, and jerry said "not out here ralph". We all make our jokes, we all speculate as to what's still upstairs, we all joke about the suit and tie combo for the back to back press confererences, but ralph still can play the game.
  22. and tim mcveigh was from pendelton. what's your point?
  23. don't forget "dream team 2004"
  24. Neither would win. Chuck Norris would arrive, rather offended that the Brewski vs. Kelly battle was billed as the Battle to End All Battles. He'd roundhouse kick both Jim Kelly and Teddy Brewski to the middle of next week.
  25. eh, at 11:15, the deadline will be pushed to monday at noon...
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