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Everything posted by Corp000085

  1. Price's biggest asset is his ability to play opposite a good #1 receiver (i'm leaving out the QB's ability to get him the ball, but you can read about that in this month's edition to "No Sh*t" Magazine). If evans can command and possibly break the occasional double team, and the line can give JP time to check down, then price will have a great season again. Price will struggle if evans struggles though... Price is a great #2 guy, but a not so good #1 guy... If he knows his role, he'll succeed like he did in 2002.
  2. I'm not too concerned as of yet... (although i'm still catching up on reading threads from my vacation and have yet to turn on espn or nfl network since training camp opened) The worst thing that can happen is mcargo gets benched and "learns" to be a starter.
  3. or if the whole court thing works out for that guy, he can go get lapdances with OJ!
  4. check out the link to lohan's rack at the bottom of the nicole richie page...
  5. has anyone actually tried that stuff?? maybe its good for a hangover
  6. the fact that there's absolutely no comments whatsoever really makes me appreciate the bills front office... It also makes me wonder if there's some legal issues with whitner's agent, in regards to that whole agent being banned thing.
  7. apparently 1985 Greg Bell did not have a good fantasy year. http://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/BellGr00.htm
  8. damn it... good thing i read through the post before replying. that was my thunder. Ah, Aspen, Colorado... Where the beer flows like wine.
  9. http://www.nhlpa.com yes, its the national hockey league player's association website. just go there and read it. http://www.nhlpa.com/Content/Feature.asp?contentId=3613 its a good article.
  10. we use an updated software package at TSR than the one used here. It's a lot of money to upgrade, but scott took care of that over there... Don't know about here though.
  11. exactly... There's more hope in this season than last. It's too complicated to argue addition by subtraction, direction, and coaching, but i will say that the bills have all of that, which will make them a better team than they were last year.
  12. i remember the defense being awesome that game, but i do also remember vividly being scared that the offense couldn't put up points on those clowns... boy was i right on that aspect...
  13. i spot the racism! Funny... Anyhow, last night's southpark was the one where mr. garrison tries to get fired for being gay. The museum of tolerance segment was funny as hell.
  14. I call the one on top... I'll educate her on what the nature channel calls the "CorpSnake".
  15. Or maybe they're being reprinted with the Los Angeles Bills logo on them... sorry, couldn't resist
  16. It's just sad for ralph... He'll finally have his day in the HOF after he's dead, which is too bad. Us as fans know the truth, and i guess that's what matters...
  17. Running to the Golden Corral!
  18. Good for Wesley, but Brian Campbell would have taken the cup to camp lejeune, left it there, and enlisted!
  19. http://www.sabresreport.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=5443 follow that link and enter the search terms in the search query... Also note the seattle supersonics logo...
  20. hmm... no fuel economy listed.. wonder if its a good value pick for me to putter around town in...
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