Man, with all those perks the writer listed, it's amazing that nobody had ever put a team there before.
Wait, what was that? They had had two teams in the early 90s? And Lost them both? Oh, MY BAD...
Well let's see. Beckham has a quarter back that has some years in the league, has won two super bowls, and is a Manning.
Watkins started out with EJ, and now has a qb who wasn't at camp.
Edit: I know Eli isn't Peyton, but I'm trying to make a point.
If you enjoy something, is it ever meaningless? I mean, why even participate on this forum? It produces absolutely nothing, except for the fact that it is (usually) fun.
So you are admitting that you haven't watched any of their junior/ahl/college prospects that are going to be wearing blue and gold within the next couple of years? Because that's the payoff of the rebuild going on over there. The NHL isn't the NFL.
I hate myself for this, but I'm kind of glad we lost in that fashion on national TV last night. We might have squeezed into the playoffs with this coaching crew, but there's no way they would have taken Buffalo to the Super Bowl. I'm ready to watch it all burn down and start again.