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Everything posted by sodbuster

  1. How fitting for them to show the grave of Buffalo Bill? Thanks CBS.
  2. EJ time. Pull the trigger, Marrone.
  3. Are broadcasts enhancing the logos in the middle of fields? The orange in the Browns logo looks so strange...
  4. I hope they buy a live bison...
  5. It's still funny to me. Maybe I'm just immature.
  6. He's OK, but they just want to make sure manziel has less options against the Colts. We need all the help we can get in this playoff push.
  7. Also, article authors name is Mark Sanchez.
  8. I love the snap commands on the XboxOne and being able to game and watch football on the same screen. As for customer service, when my friends first gen 360 red ringed two years ago, he called up MS. Three days later there was a second gen 360 on his doorstep. They must have been trying to move remaining stock or something.
  9. I have the Bills defense on my fantasy team, and my regular season ended this week. If the fumble stood yesterday, I would have picked up two points for a fumble, plus the six for a TD. I sit seven points out of the first spot in my league standings after tonight and miss out on the cash bonus for the regular season champion. Ack.
  10. Wow. The Jets are soooo bad.
  11. Ugh. This is gonna be ugly.
  12. That's not good. I hope he's OK.
  13. Athletes use smokeless tobacco? Next thing you know they're gonna be using alcohol.
  14. Yeah, except more dudes, and they're usually standing in a circle.
  15. Whitner hurts his back trying to pick up Pettine by himself.
  16. This is the problem. Players have this great equipment, and it is miles better than anything before, but they think it makes them invincible. You see it all the time with drivers who have 4WD or AWD and think they can drive 65 in a snowstorm. Then they wonder how they ended up in a ditch.
  17. It won't be as awesome as Hoyer/Orton, that's for sure.
  18. I'd sell my soul for a good player if it meant a winning season. I just don't think Rice has much left in the tank. Pass. This would be a total Jerry Jones move though.
  19. How long before someone starts a Moeaki thread?
  20. I'm gonna let you finish, but Crayonz was a way more effective troll.
  21. Yeah, whitner is a tool. But pettine brought an attitude to the defense. And seriously, who could blame him for taking that job? It isn't like he left on bad terms or anything.
  22. I'm sure if we check a few Wendy's drive thrus we could find Tyler Thigpen.
  23. Although I agree with you on all the other stuff, I gotta call you on this one. Holder and O have come out and called for the protests to be peaceful.
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