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Everything posted by sodbuster

  1. I'm really conflicted about it. I know he was found not guilty, but just seems wrong to have his name up there alongside someone like Bob Kalsu. Ugh, we can't even be proud of our the best player in our teams history.
  2. Let me be clear, I am your father.
  3. As long as they don't have to make a jersey for him.
  4. I am the proud owner of a James Hardy jersey, thanks to the Volunteers of America Thrift Store.
  5. When was the last time we had a winning record in the division? I'm gonna enjoy that plus a winning record overall. Progress. But whatever. We didn't win the super bowl this year so let's just be miserable.
  6. Second and third round picks in the last two years have snagged us Woods, Alonso, Goodwin, Kujo, and Brown. Three hits so far. I'm not worried.
  7. I bought two jerseys this year. I got a Tasker in June and a Flutie a couple weeks ago. Between those and a pair of Zubaz, the Goodwill store really came in clutch this year.
  8. Maybe it wouldn't matter for the playoffs, but 10-6 looks better than 9-7.
  9. Better than I expected: Barr, Evans Worse than I expected: Ebron "Nailed it" good: Benjamin, Mack "Nailed it" bad: Mr Football
  10. Dude. I am so sick of Orton. He had all the time in the world there.
  11. Tackling. It's a thing, guys.
  12. Dude, I'm barely able to remember the playoffs at all. My first football memory is my mother sobbing during Kellys retirement press conference. I'm still not sure what I've done to deserve this.
  13. The playoffs are never meaningless. You get in and anything could happen. Remember that 9-7 Giants team that looked like trash until the final weeks of the season a few years ago?
  14. Common denominator is Stevie Johnson. I know he isn't active tonight, but still, he's involved somehow.
  15. Barring a miracle, kc has to lose this week and then win next week. Great. They'll probably do the opposite.
  16. As for the store, you most certainly CAN get in to it on game day without going into the stadium. Once the gates open, they close the Abbott Rd doors and open up the stadium side.
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