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Everything posted by sodbuster

  1. Exactly. What am I going to to to distract myself from that train wreck?! We should just go invade Sabrespace and start ten different "is EJ the answer" threads.
  2. I really thought RW was gonna pull a Doug Flutie and bust out the naked boot.
  4. if by "halftime" you mean "November"...
  5. Exactly how I spent my Friday afternoon.
  6. Just when I thought I couldn't possibly be any more in love with Wegmans. My party will have guac, and lots of it.
  7. yeah. Our WR corps could be a lot like our DL, a member of which so many were willing to write off this past off season, for similar reasons.
  8. I'd take him. Maybe not for a ton of money, but he's talented, and he just needs some... guidance. His story certainly seems plausible. Hell, maybe its even true.
  9. Jeff Blake last played in 2005, two years before the rule change, so maybe the balls may have been brand new and impossible to hold onto right out of the box, but they took steps to remedy that.
  10. That was awesome, and very well done. Quite moving actually lol
  11. I wonder how much he's gonna be asking for. If its close to minimum, why not.
  12. "I cant believe I listened to that crackhead Irsay. It's like listening to Gary Busey read fortune cookies." Haaaaa! Also, the part at the end where he talks about Kraft putting Goodell in the doghouse shows Pats* fans know that Kraft runs the league, and they have no problem with it.
  13. http://www.si.com/nfl/2015/01/23/deflategate-new-england-patriots-nfl-response Link contains a portal to the PDF copy of the league statement. You're looking for paragraph three.
  14. The picture and accompanying explanation of the picture in that article are hilarious.
  15. That doesn't add up. Let's say that the Patriots* balls (giggle) were checked press game and found to be at "x" psi, and the Colts at "y" psi. If the pats* were found to be at "x-2" and then the officials proceeded to add 2 lbs of pressure to get it back up to "x", one would have to assume that if the atmosphere played a role, the balls (snicker) when returned to a controlled environment would measure " x+2" psi. So if they measured "x" psi after the game, they are soooo busted. Especially if they measured the colts balls (chuckle) and they remained at "y" psi. And to answer your question, the league statement released last week said they reinflated the balls at halftime.
  16. what he is saying is that the balls were OK for the pregame check. Then during the game, sometime before halftime they (the 11 in question) were discovered to be out of the acceptable range (by 2 lbs). The officials reinflated them at halftime. Then they checked them after the game and there was no change during the second half of play.
  17. Have they actually implied he went "rogue?" Also, this totally makes me want to crack a beer and rewatch BBs Friday presser, you know, for the lols.
  18. So this means that Belichicks press conference on Friday was one giant scab of a lie. Oops.
  19. Yeah, but Richard Sherman doesn't need the league as much as the league needs him. Even if he wasn't playing football, I'm sure he would be doing fine in some other career. He's an intelligent, driven dude. I'm sure he has calculated his every move in front of the cameras.
  20. Incognitos actions serve to tear a locker room apart. Sherman's actions probably galvanize a locker room.
  21. Not to mention they are helping the league draw more attention and make a ton of money both through their play and their antics.
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