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Everything posted by sodbuster

  1. A friend of mine collects hat pins. He's got a backpack with almost 9 pounds of the things all over it. Another friend of mine takes a diner menu from each place he has breakfast while he's on a road trip.
  2. Congratulations! Here's to hoping your little one grows up in an era of strong Buffalo football.
  3. He's so dangerous against screens because he is quick to identify the play, and once he does,he closes so fast and beats the blocks before they are even set up. His speed once he commits is nothing short of amazing.
  4. There is a Bronson Hill Rd. in Livingston County that runs between Rt20 in Avon to 20a in Lakeville.
  5. I'm not saying that Japan was in the right, but Dec 7 was an attack on a military installation, and Aug 6 was an indiscriminate flattening of an entire city. And then we did it again. I don't think it is fair to compare the two. Now what Japan did to other nations around the Pacific rim, like Korea, China, and the Philippines for example, was just flat out terrible.
  6. This stands in stark contrast to somebody like Tom Brady, who not only believes in God, but seems to think of himself as the devine being.
  7. In my opinion, Rubio had a very strong night. He was very deliberate, yet relaxed. He's the candidate the GOP needs. He's their Obama.
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sf_nJz5fKpo
  9. At least he didn't post a picture on Instagram of him doing push ups with a pile of money on his back. Then we would have a real problem.
  10. Did I miss something? Boobie tweeted something about a "minor setback." Injury? Cut?
  11. http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1-167215776.html
  12. I met Bianca Wilfork once, so I feel that I am more than qualified.
  13. I think he's married to Thurman's niece.
  14. Doesn't Putin owe him a favor or something?
  15. It's too bad we can't buy a jumbotron advertisement.
  16. And we were worried this would all get swept under the rug and become nothing more than a footnote in their history. I, for one, hope he continues to fight it and make himself look like a spoiled child.
  17. It's crazy to think about how far computer tech has come. Now you can buy a five terabyte external hard drive for a hundred dollars, and it fits in your desk drawer.
  18. It has to be. There is no way that, if he felt the need to destroy his phone, he would want to risk a subpoena to dredge up his texts.
  19. I wonder how many guys have championship rings from three leagues...
  20. All I know is the mock ups that people are making of the invites are pure gold.
  21. This doesn't help my suspicion that this board is just a handful of people controlling many accounts.
  22. 1. Buffalo Bills 2. Buffalo Sabres 3. U of Florida Football 4. UB Football 5. NY Yankees
  23. I thought that regular ticket sales were part of the revenue sharing, and only premium seats went straight to the teams.
  24. Russell Wilson and Khalil Mack.
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