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Everything posted by sodbuster

  1. Ugh, I feel for the guy. Had some trouble in college, gets a second chance, works his tail off and makes the most of it, then this happens.
  2. Only two percent of Americans carry, and that doesn't mean they carry all of the time. Couple that with the fact that a lot of these shootings that people would have us believe that we are talking about happen in areas where carry is prohibited. It's like starving somebody and then scolding them for being skinny.
  3. There are so many things wrong with this. Lando is the administrator of Cloud City and a freaking rebel general. In the prequel trilogy, Mace Windu was the most senior Jedi. Not to mention, as others have, Vader is white, and the Empire was partly modeled after the Nazis. Has she even actually seen Star Wars?
  4. http://m.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/dec/14/melissa-harris-perry-star-wars-racist-because-dart/ So I've got the right calling the Jedi ISIS, and the left is shouting "racism" from the rooftops. We need to get this ironed out so that I know who my spiteful viewing of this movie is directed towards.
  5. 54 yards outside on a grass field that was in bad shape? I think Rex made the right call, especially the way Schmitty has been playing lately.
  6. Meanwhile, MMA, a sport where people stand toe to toe and punch each other in the head, is one of the fastest growing sports in the country.
  7. As much as I hate those cheating pricks out east, you would never see this kind of crap going on in New England. Sully is kind of right, but it comes across as another stupid personal crusade. One immature azzhat calling out another.
  8. I'm renewing. Part of it is that I'm not willing to throw away my seniority at this point. When it comes time to move into the new stadium, I don't want to be left out in the cold. That doesn't mean that I don't have my tickets just for the entertainment though. I have yet to sell a game, and I don't see myself doing it anytime soon.
  9. I feel truly lucky to have had the chance to see him play several times in college, especially his senior year when he was chasing the TFL and FF record.
  10. And then bring back Pettine when he is inevitably fired.
  11. Happy Birthday Rex!
  12. Hey, I have an idea. Let's put Leodis back for the punt!
  13. Looks like we still have a chance.
  14. How is that not a pick...
  15. I think you're wasting your breath.
  16. Kicked it right to him lol.
  17. Haha, and he burned Kiko on the way to the end zone.
  18. they would have called the timeout. So its all fixed up now.
  19. How do these refs keep their jobs?
  20. At least it's all slipping away at once.
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