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Everything posted by sodbuster

  1. I remember watching him in college and being amazed at his quickness. Interesting move for sure.
  2. Outside of jail, no. If I was in jail? Probably, yeah.
  3. "To every survivor of sexual assault...You have the right to be heard. You have the right to be believed. We're with you." -Hillary
  4. "There's a little black spot in the sun today..." I made a binocular projector and I'm gonna see what I can see when I get home for lunch. The skies over Rochester are pretty clear right now, so I'm fairly optimistic.
  5. It's because of the strike. Verizon has pulled employees in from all over the place to their call centers to work 12 hour days, and Verizon has basically told them to just give customers whatever they want in order to keep the calls shorter so that they can keep up with them all. Also, since a lot of the scabs were pulled down from higher positions, they are generally better employees than the ones usually found in call centers, in that they totally grasp the concept of customer service.
  6. Depends on what he dips them in.
  7. Somebody send him a pizza with his name written on it with pepperoni!
  8. 3-4 fields? I dare say that would be enough to run training camp.
  9. Why would you just stay away when you could go pull the lever for a third party? It has the same effect in a two person race, but your protest is actually recorded. They want you to stay at home, but they don't want you to realize that there is another choice.
  10. I hope it's a Buffalo Bills themed indoor water park!
  11. I think last week it was still kinda speculation. But now it's kind of official? Something like that.
  12. Now, are we looking at a new stadium, or is this going to be more of a Harborcenter/Patriot Place type of complex on the campus of the Ralph?
  13. I'd rather be an accomplice to silliness than to evil.
  14. I plan on just being drunk until November.
  15. Looking at last years schedule and scores, seven fewer PPG would have gotten us two more wins and an OT game last season. Considering it would have swung one of the AFC games (Jags), and put the Pats* game up in the air, that's probably playoffs.
  16. Cordys Glenn. Classic. Good thing Ed Wang never panned out, or this thread would be even more out of control.
  17. Yup. Time to start bracing for a major letdown.
  18. I think we had our best draft in two decades, but I think the Jags had the best draft class this year. Some schmuck writer for the USA Today gave the Bills a "C". I don't know what draft she was watching, because almost every other outlet I've seen has given the Bills a " B+" or higher.
  19. Came here to post this. Not sure anybody's ever been that happy to go to Buffalo.
  20. Yeah, this weekend is gonna burn in his belly for a long time. Let's see what he does with that fire. Only good can come of this.
  21. Sure are. Is this the "Rex effect" we were told about?
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