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Everything posted by sodbuster

  1. Right. But she attacked her husband's accusers, perpetuating "rape culture."
  2. Actually, that would make them straight.
  3. Yeah, but I want Sundays off. You think that'll be a problem?
  4. I'd rather take another chance on Aaron Maybin.
  5. I don't know if it's provocative, but it's certainly not the right attire for the venue. It would be like if the traffic guy was reporting from the helicopter while wearing a tuxedo. Just doesn't look right.
  6. Some dude at the Jets game last year tried to share a urinal with me. While not addressed in the quiz, I assume that's frowned upon.
  7. I don't mind Cleveland. The Browns were my backup team in the event of relocation. Thank Pegula it never came to that.
  8. I bet he ran off with that girl from the beginning of the Rookie Tour video. They seemed to have pretty good chemistry.
  9. I met him once with a friend. My friend was hammered and, of course, asked to see his business. Ruined my night.
  10. Oh, I almost forgot someone very important. Satan. http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/846b13311c/good-god-with-god-special-guest-satan?_cc=__m___&_ccid=b81675bf-5ccb-4f53-826f-ff4b88684da4
  11. I've heard Meatloaf and Charles Barkley are. EVH is a friend of Jimbo, and I'm pretty sure he's a Bills fan.
  12. I'm hoping Gragg shows just a little more improvement. He has had a couple of nice plays so far, so he might become an adequate TE. Does he even have his PhD?
  13. The worst part about this is that it isn't even the worst thing that the CIA has tried to do.
  14. This. I think that by the time November rolls around, you have a pretty good idea of what your team is. Beating a Brady led Pats* team, or even just battling them well (as long as you took the first meeting) would be a good sign.
  15. They don't "deal with upstate" as it is. Any candid state politician will tell you that they're treated like junior partners by downstaters, and when local government officials from up here attend statewide summits, they're basically Sat down at the kids table with a box of crayons. Just ask Joe Morelle, they guy who was the favorite for Silver's vacant speakership, before it became obvious that downstate Dems weren't going to let that happen.
  16. Well, they all seem pretty comfortable with each other already. Chemistry is important I guess.
  17. Yeah, and women tend to be pretty vindictive and dangerous.
  18. Has anybody looked at a bison lately? They're basically a bigger, angrier, humpbacked cow. That being said, the throwback logo is one of the ten best logos in sports, in my biased opinion.
  19. Even the co-chair of the Debate Commission thinks this poll should be amended. http://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/279624-third-party-candidates-face-uphill-climb-to-get-place-on-presidential "My view is they should include him, Fahrenkopf said of future polls. This certainly creates an obligation for some of the polling companies to look very close in including him to figure out if his [support] is real."
  20. As much as I can't stand Trump, him winning might be worth the one night in November watching MSNBC coverage as the results roll in.
  21. I noticed people frequently write "common man" when they mean "c'mon man." Is that mostly intentional?
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