All of the other candidates have their own threads, and It looks like things are starting to heat up for America's largest third party, so here we are. Buckle up your tin foil helmets and hold on to your bitcoins, this is gonna be a fun one.
It is looking more and more like a sure thing that Gary Johnson once again will take the Libertarian Party nomination at the convention in Orlando next weekend, after accumulating 1.2 million votes in 2012. Yesterday he unofficially announced that former governor of Massachusetts, Bill Weld, will be his running mate. Weld has the connections to pull off some major fundraising, which is sorely needed by the LP and the Johnson campaign. In spite of the "R" next to his name, he was an electoral juggernaut in the deep blue state of Massachusetts. Some within the party are upset at the prospect of a Johnson/Weld ticket, claming that they are more political moderates than true Libertarians, especially following the "Nazi Cake" fiasco at the FBN debate, but many are willing to look past that in the name of opportunism. With the choices of the major parties, and many left looking for a "sensible alternative," it would be wise for them to look more like moderates than hardline pseudo-anarchists.
In fact, if recent polling is to be believed, the moderate card may just be grabbing people's attention. (quoted from another thread)
Big news, because reaching 15% in the polls would mean an automatic invitation onto the circus debate stage with Hillary and Trump. Recently, an official in the Debate commission expressed that pollsters should be including the LP candidate, since the nominee will have ballot access in all 50 states.
I don't care if this thread is just me sitting here talking to myself. It gets lonely in this dark basement, and I need something to do while my bitcoin machine runs.
Bonus material: here's a video of a tweenaged boy talking about the Johnson campaign: