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Everything posted by sodbuster

  1. I'll admit, I'm pulling for Cleveland tonight. Id really hate to see them get so close and miss out. GS is just so good though.
  2. I used to babysit a lady's Dobermans. They were great dogs, but they HATED the pizza delivery guy. She never got their ears pinned or tail clipped either, and I grew to prefer that look.
  3. So we endure two seasons of DFL, only to have the Bills come along and hoist The Cup without even trying? Pegula can't do anything right.
  4. ISIS=Islamic State of Iraq and Syria ISIL=Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Levant includes Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Palestine...)
  5. Probably nagging him about eating junk food on the plane...
  6. *Principal It's an important distinction, because it seems like the two principal candidates have no principles.
  7. Time to start locking up your batteries. GRILL ME A CHEESE
  8. By definition, yes. Just like how third degree and first degree murder are different, based on the intent of the suspect.
  9. It's pretty scary. Remember a few years back when the right was losing their minds about he DOJ and DHS classification of potrntial domestic terrorists? Then last night, I hear Bill O'Reilly say that the government should make use of its war powers to take someone they suspect of terrorism, and lock them away as a POW. Doesn't anybody see a problem with that? Exactly. Terrorism, by definition, requires a political goal. For all we know this guy just thought two dudes kissing is icky.
  10. Exactly. It's starting to seem that he was just a guy who hated gays (for whatever reason, maybe even out of his own frustration) who found a group that fit his ideals, and not the other way around.
  11. Probably moved on to expensive wines.
  12. I'm more of a fan of biological warfare. I've been sneezing on people for the last decade, sowing the seeds for my eventual global takeover.
  13. Yeah, but if I don't jump to conclusions, how the hell can I possibly be the first to cast blame at somebody other than the perpetrator?
  14. When you do get around to that second poll, I'm curious to see who the third parties are drawing from, at least in this crowd. If at all possible, could you make it two questions, one being Trump or Hillary, and the second being Trump, Hillary, Johnson, or Stein?
  15. Exactly. Hateful people are gonna find reasons to hate. It's as simple as that.
  16. Yeah! I'm still waiting for our option in this poll.
  17. In spite of the fact that this guy was apparently an armed security guard with more government endorsement and certification of his ability to responsibly carry and use firearms than the average citizen.
  18. Actually, it hilights the fact that there are, in fact, bigots on both sides of the aisle, contrary to the thousands of posts on social media claiming that the right perpetuates this. But yeah, rush to your corner. That'll fix it.
  19. Oops. I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that he wasn't a member of the NRA.
  20. Just my vote to "will leave." I think I had overestimated the stay campaign.
  21. As much as I dislike Trump, he probably IS the only candidate that would call her out on everything and call the media on its ballwashing.
  22. People keep begging for big government. They shouldn't be surprised when it shows up.
  23. Johnson leading Hillary among Independent voters (within MoE) http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/presidential-races/282987-poll-libertarian-johnson-tops-clinton-among-independents
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