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Everything posted by sodbuster

  1. Split the vote and Trump still runs away with it.
  2. Right? It doesn't really make sense to me, because the purpose of the phrase is to explain to somebody that something is going to happen that runs contrary to their thought. It's going to happen whether they think it will or not, right? Irregardless, none of this matters to me because you'll never here use that phrase. If you think it's gonna affect me, your wrong.
  3. The Pokémon franchise has been around since 1996 and the first video games were released into the US market in '98. But sure, totally a fad.
  4. Just when you thought the Trump camp couldn't provide any more giggle-fodder, they roll out that logo.
  5. This could very well be his fire at the Reichstag.
  6. The data usage actually isn't that bad.
  7. Yeah, that and team success. Of course fans are willing to spend more on their team when they're good. A fan in Boston isn't making much of a sacrifice when buying a ticket when they know they're going to win.
  8. Thanks, Jon Bon Beerball.
  9. Whatever your opinion is on bicycles, riding on the road is, in most places legal and even proper protocol in many cases. Running on an active railroad track is almost always at the very least, and universally discouraged. The two aren't comparable.
  10. I know it's an irrational reason, but I never run outside with headphones anymore after that guy had a plane land on him while running at the beach.
  11. And over in another thread we're all worried about bringing embarrassment to Buffalo by storming the field.
  12. Marv Levy. Freddy is so old, I had to double check the list of signers to make sure he didn't actually sign it.
  13. When was the last time fans stormed the field at an NFL game?
  14. It very well could be, assuming there is an EU for them to join. Who knows what the hell os going to happen now.
  15. I just mentioned to a friend that I would like to hear the Minister of Silly Walks weigh in on the referendum.
  16. That was supposed to say 3.6, but I must have hit backspace instead of 3.
  17. I'm watching the BBC llive feed. EU Referendum - The Result - Live - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-36559505
  18. The pound has fallen 3.6% in the last five minutes.
  19. Out of curiosity, how much does the permit cost?
  20. If you're following on the BBC app live feed, you can see pictures of dogs outside polling places waiting for their humans to return from casting their vote.
  21. http://www.thedailyliberator.com/orlando-shooters-gay-lover-reveals-real-motive-nightclub-massacre-not-islamic-terror/ Here's the original piece, of you can read spanish: http://www.univision.com/noticias/masacre-en-orlando/entrevista-exclusiva-presunto-amante-de-omar-mateen-dice-que-la-masacre-en-orlando-fue-una-venganza-relacionada-con-su-sexualidad
  22. I can't believe it took Weld a whole 9 minutes to use the "pocketbooks and bedrooms" line.
  23. The Original Pizza Log Field at Ralph Wilson Stadium
  24. Journalist tries to buy AR15, finds out system works. http://thelibertarianrepublic.com/reporter-attempt-show-ease-obtaining-ar-15-denied-due-past/
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