They are chanting over the new chair.
There are hundreds of TPP signs.
They really couldn't have picked a better city to host this than the town who perfected the art of an arena full of people expressing their displeasure.
Actually, the lowered risk from legalization and the fact that it will be passing through fewer hands due to the possibility of local production will help lower prices.
He needs to be down in Philadelphia shaking hands and kissing babies, especially with all of the DNC vs Bernie stuff, and the scores of Bernie supporters that will be causing trouble there. Stein probably will be. I'm not sure Johnson will, although he was in Cleveland for most of last week.
But seriously, there is no way this goes over well with the Bernie supporters. She can kiss them goodbye. Warren would have picked most of them up, but Kaine might even scare some of them away. Incredible.
I've got my beers ready. My friends and I have a list of "buzzedwords" here and we all picked three. Mine are crooked, China,and criminal. The other words were win/winning, Mexico, wall, wonderful, millions, safe/safety, and amazing.
I have one friend who refuses to support Johnson because of the dust up with Austin Petersen, and won't vote for the two headed monster. She figures that at least her vote will still do some good to bust up the two party system. Totally irrational, but I guess it is what it is.
It's interesting that both sides claim that Johnson might ruin it for their candidate, when he's pulling from both sides, and Stein is almost exclusively from the left.
Are they ripping people off, or is it just the same script every year with the names changed? Maybe the public is just dumb enough to keep buying tickets to the show.