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Everything posted by sodbuster

  1. He's been able to deliver some wins against the cheaters from Bawston, so that's something.
  2. http://thelibertarianrepublic.com/johnson-attend-town-hall-trump-clinton/ A chance to show up on the same stage. We'll see if it really happens.
  3. I always look forward to this, because the fan comments really make me resent some of the teams. Not so much the Browns or the Jags or the Bills of the league. It gives those fans of these teams who have tortured them a place to vent on a national stage. But it really burns my grits when fans of teams like the Giants, or even the Bucs, shine about their teams as though they've always let them down. Like, yeah, Eli Manning has really let you guys down, winning two super bowls and all. Gfy, don't act like you're Detroit.
  4. God, Cardales throwing motion reminds me of that QB from the good old years.
  5. Can a one person demonstration accurately be called a rally?
  6. Nice to see the Green Party making progress.
  7. The media won't report on it because throwing shade at China is Trump's bread and butter, and it might make him seem like he knows what he's talking about.
  8. If Romney endorses Johnson, Utah is a done deal. Maybe even Idaho, even though that's currently out of reach.
  9. Yup. The guys in the Alamo knew they weren't going to win.
  10. Well, a B-team intellect is top of the class in 2016.
  11. Uh... something about blue balls.
  12. Yeah, but the kid that saw her do it didn't pay admission to the park, which is a serious infraction, and shows blatant disregard for the law.
  13. So she beat Fitzpatrick?
  14. My brother just called to tell me to tune into the speech because he says it's incredibly shaky. I can't get to a TV though, so can anybody confirm his assessment?
  15. What's two steps beyond cognitive dissonance?
  16. I'm not convinced that Ozy isn't Trump himself.
  17. And his supporters claim he's not a politician.
  18. A college education is an investment, yes? So if we make college free, why not get rid of capital gains taxes and make all investments free?
  19. Why are you so homophobic?
  20. Liz Warren, talking about rich people, the woman who collected a $400k salary at Harvard, contributing to the runaway student debt that she rails against.
  21. Her face isn't bad, it's just that the hole in it is always open.
  22. Yeah, usually we only get to see this 16 times a year.
  23. Did Silverman just taunt the Berners? She might be as dumb as I always thought she was.
  24. Sanders supporters chanting "lock her up" on the convention floor. You couldn't reasonably expect anything more amusing at this point. Check out @michaeldweiss's Tweet: https://twitter.com/michaeldweiss/status/757710114841300992?s=09
  25. She's gonna get a lot of support. Probably a quarter of any friends of mine who supported Sanders are backing Stein, some even sending money to the Greens or her personal campaign. I think we will see two third parties crack 5% in November. We could potentially see one in five voters pull the lever for somebody other than Orthrus.
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