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Everything posted by sodbuster

  1. Hopefully the d isn't too tired
  2. And grab a penaltylol
  3. I can't wait for "Unemployment: Rex and Rob Reunited 2"
  4. Can Kyle Okposo play safety?
  5. So about Baltimore not having any weapons...
  6. I'm shocked about how bad the O is. Not very surprised about the defense.
  7. Reminds me of the first year I had season tickets.
  9. Right? It feels like the London game last year. We should be down by 21 by now.
  10. Why are we being so conservative?
  11. Gotta capitalize on the visit from Santa Claus.
  12. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! We survived another offseason! Lets go Buffalo!
  13. I wanna be an Uber driver. Freakin NYS, crushing my dreams.
  14. I promise not to even mention playoffs unless the team is leading the division, in a wild card position, or the top team in the "in the hunt" category after thanksgiving.
  15. Man, I thought the seats at UB were a long way from the field...
  16. This is so hokey that it's awesome. Love it already.
  17. The crowd won't be as excited as they were when they got the first chance to see the USFL MVP quarterback that they had been waiting to sign for three years? Ya don't say...
  18. Why don't you pack your bags and go back to whatever banana republic you came from, ya commie.
  19. Beer. Genesee Beer. Possibly lots of it. Also ribs and taters.
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