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Everything posted by sodbuster

  1. Pryor in at QB for the Browns. Nice. This way, when the pats* win, it won't count. That's how it works, right?
  2. So you're making your decision based on how others are going to act? That's literally how a herd of sheep functions.
  3. They really gotta bring back "probable."
  4. Fire in the Reichstag.
  5. He also said he's very pro second amendment, but we all know that's a crock of snot.
  6. These guys are lucky Bill Weld isn't up there.
  7. But at least she has a favorite foreign leader.
  8. What the heck do old wooden ships from the Civil War era have to do with football?
  9. I didn't do so hot this weekend, but it doesn't look like anybody else really did, so whatever. My survival pick is stuck in a delay though, so that's making me nervous, but they're ahead.
  10. I love how Pats* fans are writing this loss off because they don't have their starting qb. NEWS FLASH: We haven't had a qb for almost two decades.
  11. Rex Ryan joking about having an insider in Fauxboro was the best.
  12. Hey, I'm with you. If Joe wants to be a pisspot, he should be able to. We need guys like him to help us stay grounded as a community. Besides, I don't want to see this place become an echo chamber.
  13. Out defense? The one pitching the no hitter?
  14. Look at all the empty seats. Babies. Spoiled babies.
  15. They are making so many mistakes.
  16. This is usually where the wheels come off, right?
  17. Would it be distracting if we presented woods with a contract extension in the locker room at halftime?
  18. Brown is having one hell of a game. Perfect timefor it, too.
  19. Man, I hate watching games at home
  20. They NEVER call that on the pats, and they always do it.
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